Recent content by Sky_Phantom1

  1. Sky_Phantom1

    Not gonna be on for a while cause I forgot my pass

    Use a password manager!
  2. Sky_Phantom1

    AssasinsDeed's Arch application

    Those are some really interesting builds. Hope you get accepted. Good luck!
  3. Sky_Phantom1


    I'll buy some of every ticket, I need good armour, some places for storage, and a bit of money is always nice.
  4. Sky_Phantom1

    Lost Inventory

    I know that, the bug is my fully repaired elytra stopping, charged multi-tool not firing, and /as tp not working.
  5. Sky_Phantom1

    Lost Inventory

    Username: Sky_Phantom What you were doing before this occurred: Flying over the end with my elytra What you've lost (Only if you lost something) or what happened: I was flying over the void in the end with my elytra using my multi-tool for momentum when suddenly my elytra stopped, my multi-tool...
  6. Sky_Phantom1

    [Event] McCities Murder Mystery!

    I'm the murderer :Evil:
  7. Sky_Phantom1

    Accepted Tuliao's Teacher App :)

    Good luck!
  8. Sky_Phantom1

    Completed Transfer Request

    Zappard is allowed to use my creative plot for his transfer.
  9. Sky_Phantom1

    Arch Question

    Yeah, unfortunately most of the jobs you can apply for on the forums do require a discord account.
  10. Sky_Phantom1

    Nice to meet you!

    Hi! Nice to meet you too. I'm glad your enjoying your time and I hope I can meet you in game.
  11. Sky_Phantom1

    An Imperfect Soultion for an Imperfect System (inflation)

    This is an amazing suggestion. The whole point of this thread was to put something out as an example to get people thinking. I think to have a good system we need a way to set a constant value based on the size, surrounding area, and what is actually built on the plot, then there has to be some...
  12. Sky_Phantom1

    My Apologies

    It's a hard thing to admit you were wrong and to own up to your mistakes. Kudos to you Bray.
  13. Sky_Phantom1

    knight's Chief Of Police Resignation + Long Term Leave

    I'm sorry to see you leave, you were a great role-model and an inspiration for me and one of the reasons I wanted to be a cop. I wish you good luck on the next chapter of your life.
  14. Sky_Phantom1

    An Imperfect Soultion for an Imperfect System (inflation)

    Doing that would raise the base value, because that would be adding more to the plot and improving it, but there is only so much you can add and it's got to fit in with the area.