Recent content by TorchoTichy

  1. TorchoTichy

    Lost Prot 7 Helmet due to Halloween Hat glitch

    Username: TorchoTichy What you were doing before this occurred: Chilling in mansion10, then teleported to h355 if I remember correctly (this all happened about 2 months ago). What you've lost (Only if you lost something) or what happened: I teleported to h355, and put on my 2017 Halloween hat...
  2. TorchoTichy

    (Trading (Maybe Buying)) - Looking to obtain "Chicken Feet" Easter boots

    Hi all! I'm currently looking to obtain "Chicken Feet" Easter boots. My offer for those boots would be either: - "Chicken Body" Easter Chestplate. or - "Chicken Legs" Easter Leggings. If nobody needs either of those items, then I would be willing to pay for the boots instead...
  3. TorchoTichy

    "Winter is coming..."

    :o Re-arrange the Four 1's in 11:11 to make a square. Cut the square diagonally in half to get two triangles, A triangle has 3 sides. That must mean only one thing.. Coincidence I think not!
  4. TorchoTichy

    "Winter is coming..."

    "Winter is coming......." why not add snowy weather again this year (instead of rain)? This was done last year, so if the same weather system was used again this year then that would be great! Anyone else feeling like they want a bit o' snow for a nice festive build up to this coming...
  5. TorchoTichy

    Re-Add Dynmap

    Yeah, that map was so useful back in the day. It'll make it for easier for newbies to navigate around the server and get familiar with it faster. (Those who know about the forums anyway). Should definitely be re-added!
  6. TorchoTichy

    I Will build you a dope firework machine.

    I liek dat :cool: *thumbs up*
  7. TorchoTichy

    Tier IV (4) scrolls

    Hey Ethu! Yeah thankfully a friend of mine bought them whilst I was offline. Thanks for responding and selling them at a good rate! If you do ever get any more Tier 4 scrolls, just let me know and I'd be more than happy to purchase some!
  8. TorchoTichy

    Tier IV (4) scrolls

    I have also just gotten a Chill IV scroll in my possession, so that will also be up for trade along with the Wither IV and Confusion IV scrolls.
  9. TorchoTichy

    Tier IV (4) scrolls

    Hi all, I'm looking to get the following scrolls: - Darkness IV - Weaken IV - Poison IV - Counter IV As trading chips, I offer a Wither IV or Confusion IV scroll for any of those 4 scrolls that I have listed above. Alternatively, I will offer a price of around $120,000 for each of the...
  10. TorchoTichy

    1.7 PVP

    Having the same problem too with the attack speed. Reverted back to 1 and 1.6 for the Axe and Sword respectively, like non-modded 1.12 PvP. Im finding this problem with ALL of the weapons I look at. It's odd though because some of my friends on McCities haven't been affected by this. When...
  11. TorchoTichy

    Buying Darkness IV scroll

    Hi everyone, I'm looking to buy a Darkness IV scroll. My offer is around the $100k mark, but we can negotiate the price if preferred. Also, if you have any other Tier IV tool scrolls (except for Adrenaline), I might also be interested in buying those too! Thanks.
  12. TorchoTichy


  13. TorchoTichy

    Selling Mythic Armour

    Did you know that if you change your GUI setting from "Auto/Large" to "Normal", you will then be able to read all of the enchants on that chest plate. You can find the "GUI" setting in the "Video Settings" via the ESC screen on Minecraft.
  14. TorchoTichy

    Scroll Remover

    Great idea! It'll also allow any new players who might add tier 1 or 2 scrolls to a very good weapon/ piece of armour (without realising that they could get better scrolls) to have another chance to improve the weapon/piece of armour!
  15. TorchoTichy

    Selling Island Auction (Private/New Island)

    Guys, whatever happens, the main thing is that all of our different ideas are only going to transform the island into a marvel, so I wish everyone here good luck!