transfer request

  1. Revenant

    Completed Creative to survival

    RevenantReaper /p h RevenantReaper Bali8 I've marked what I want transferred, it's a few floors down. Marked with signs. If there is any confusion, message me on discord Revenant#9359
  2. Hope_x

    Denied Transfer Request

    Username: Eclipse_rwr Creative plot: Plot 7 City plot you want the build moved to: goh10 Thank you! <3 (I messed up badly in my last request)
  3. xPurpleKittyx

    Creative Transfer

    Username: InsecureBean Creative plot: /Plot home 1 City plot you want the build moved to: /as tp na-h11
  4. king9x

    Zordonicon's Transfer Request #2

    Username: Zordonicon Creative plot: 15:39 Inside the stone slabs City plot you want the build moved to: h2
  5. king9x

    Zordonicon Transfer

    Username: Zordonicon Creative plot: -18:16 Inside the stone slabs City plot you want the build moved to: Star-City-20
  6. Popcorn

    Transfer Request

    Username: caramelpopcorn Creative plot: /plot home 7 City plot you want the build moved to: a42...
  7. Devilducks

    Transfer Request Creative-City

    Username: DevilDucks Creative plot: Creative plot 1 (-34;36) City plot you want the build moved to: medplot-5 In my creative plot, there is a red square around the building, please disregard that. that is only there so i know how big the plot was in the city. There is also a house already...
  8. X

    Transfer request

    the house i baught bludhouse-1 had a sign that needed city standards before it had wood walls empty interior holes in the floor and walls and just bland with the rest of the houses so i baught it and made the walls blue terracotta and added a roof with balcony and instead of ladders to get down...
  9. Devilducks

    Transfer request- creative to survival

    Username: DevilDucks Creative plot: (im not sure what plot but on the sign where it says my name it says ID -34;36 City plot you want the build moved to: H370 INFO** there is red blocks surrounding the creative home, please do not copy that into the new place. that is just the plots size.**
  10. Cursed


    Username: Nicoelbike66 Creative plot: /plot h 6 City plot you want the build moved to: sky135
  11. Cursed

    Transfer try?

    Username: Nicolebike66 Creative plot: /plot home 3 City plot you want the build moved to: bunnyears7 The creative plot has 2 basements
  12. jasonpirate

    Transfer and regioning request

    username: jasonpirate creative plot id: 3;32 city plot id: bobsh-023 Notes: The building is inside the slabs, the new creative building just got redesigned THANKS! P.S. Could you clear leaves that are on the surrounding property? The last owner planted a tree and now it's a nuisance. (;
  13. Cursed


    Username: Nicolebike66 Creative plot: /plot home 3 City plot you want the build moved to: bunnyears7 There are 2 basements, and so far i am not sure if DevilishMango will take the stuff out of the chests.. I will make a further notice if she doesn't care about the stuff.
  14. Zordonicon

    Zordonicon's Transfer Request

    Username: Zordonicon Creative plot: 14:-35 The part I want transferred is inside the Sandstone Slabs. City plot you want the build moved to: bobsh-028
  15. jasonpirate

    Transfer and regioning request

    username: jasonpirate creative plot id: 3;32 city plot id: bobsh-023 Notes: The building is inside the slabs, the new creative building just got redesigned THANKS! P.S. Could you clear leaves that are on the surrounding property? The last owner planted a tree and now it's a nuisance. this is...
  16. Amoeba

    Creative to Survival Tranfer

    Hello! I just bought a fix it upper home, my first house. It was originally random blocks and an amazing basement, but it didn't fit the area at all or really have much of anything to it. I'd love to know if I could replace it with what ItsBellaMC and Kittenlove04 graciously built <3 It fits...
  17. Cursed

    maplehouse transfer

    Username: Nicolebike66 Creative plot: /plot home 3 City plot you want the build moved to: maplehouse4 P.S There are 2 basements as well.Also the plot size is marked with sandstone slabs (border slabs count).Thank you for reading this.
  18. Rock__Salt

    Transfer for Video__Games

    Username: Video__Games City plot: h262 size: 25x18 Creative plot: /plot home 2
  19. Toryn

    Mansion Transfer Request!

    Username: Synnamoon Creative plot: -16;-42 Or /plot tp 9 for me City plot you want the build moved to: Undeadland! Under the sandy area in the middle that has no regions by the big castle and beach-city (Death_Inferno360 Agreed for it being pasted) About The Mansion: 3 Levels, No Basement, berry...
  20. Cursed

    Survival to Creative

    Username: Nicolebike66 City plot: maplehouse4 Creative plot you want moved to: /plot home 3 P.S The city plot has 1 basement. Thank you. Edit: If it doesn't fit please tell me. Thanks