Hi there,
Since every person on this server has skillz such as building , redstoning, building , food making, pvping, running away, hiding etc
I think there should be a list of skills per player to advertise their skilz such as for example:
Username: zoom6899
Skilz: Redstoning, running away, food making
If there was a nice long spreadsheet of each players skills that they are good at. People who want a skilled builder could look up their name on the spreadsheet instead of asking for recommendations from other players
Just a suggestion
thx for reading
Since every person on this server has skillz such as building , redstoning, building , food making, pvping, running away, hiding etc
I think there should be a list of skills per player to advertise their skilz such as for example:
Username: zoom6899
Skilz: Redstoning, running away, food making
If there was a nice long spreadsheet of each players skills that they are good at. People who want a skilled builder could look up their name on the spreadsheet instead of asking for recommendations from other players
Just a suggestion