A Squid's Tale...



Okay... I only banned you for ththe rip server thing... I didn't ban you or squidman before ... And I was going to ban for like 12 hours ... Other staff said banned for 7 days... So srry about that... Hopefully this won't casue too many issues


From 0:00 to 0:015 you can hear "And they suck" Who suck ? Staff ? that they banned you for good reason?
Server suck? then why you play on it ? there are MILLIONNNSSS server's out there , so why you don't go there?
Suck because you think that you got banned for no reason? No its good reason. ( its about book)
If you think server organisation suck , then post some ideas on forum on what you want to be changed , and staff team will look up to it.
So yeah , if you want to play on this server don't do bad things , like writing some stuff in that book..
Enjoy server
this is for special player , his nick is similar to tree.


Okay... Bookisdone... Already got introuble for it and I will agree... A week ban for make ing a reference back to book was a bit much.. And really all he did was write a book about a player he didn't like and make some in appropriate shapes... Nothing to have him banned for like a month for... So sorry about that it most likely won't happen again
Dec 16, 2014
The person that said that they suck was SquidMan... Idk what he was thinking...if he was playing around or what..

Luka said:
From 0:00 to 0:015 you can hear "And they suck" Who suck ? Staff ? that they banned you for good reason?
Server suck? then why you play on it ? there are MILLIONNNSSS server's out there , so why you don't go there?
Suck because you think that you got banned for no reason? No its good reason. ( its about book)
If you think server organisation suck , then post some ideas on forum on what you want to be changed , and staff team will look up to it.
So yeah , if you want to play on this server don't do bad things , like writing some stuff in that book..
Enjoy server
this is for special player , his nick is similar to tree.
Ok ok calm down..

SquidMan said that " they suck" refraining to the people and stuff that got him banned.
IDK If he was messing around or what..

Ban him if you wish.


Active Member
Sep 6, 2014
ok squid give me list of the problems you think there are and do it within 3 days
Dec 16, 2014
I don't have any problems at the moment, but I was banned for some reason that don't make scene. I was banned for building around a protected warp, but it was still in wild and as Jason said you can build whatever you want in wild. So I'm upset about getting banned for no reason. And that mostly started chain reaction of other things that got me banned that I don't really care about.
Also I have more to write... but I'm at school writing this so when I get home I'll write more..


Active Member
Sep 6, 2014
x_SquidMaster_x said:
I don't have any problems at the moment, but I was banned for some reason that don't make scene. I was banned for building around a protected warp, but it was still in wild and as Jason said you can build whatever you want in wild. So I'm upset about getting banned for no reason. And that mostly started chain reaction of other things that got me banned that I don't really care about.
Also I have more to write... but I'm at school writing this so when I get home I'll write more..
You should understand without telling you .. I didn't though You're dump ... Well you have brain bro .. Use it and brain saying Not to build near warps cuz serveral reasons ... You don't need to be upset about nothing just think what you saying or doing and go with it
Dec 16, 2014
Lol. I have no idea why, but ever scene I've joined the server, nothing that good has happened to me or any of the people I bring. All this bully **** started with a few things that led to more things. And you guys lack communication with your members. A while back I got killed by police for nothing and **** I don't have any idea if anything happened with him or not. Did he get punished? Yes? No? And I bet your just going to tell me to stop bitching and if you don't like the server just don't play on it. The thing is that when I do something I really have no idea if its against the rules or not. Because it seems that the rules you have wrote down on the server change a lot and fall under like everything. It feels like if I do anything it will just be against the rules and I'll get banned. Most other servers will just blow you off when you say like RIP server or some **** like that. And now your telling me That I should use my brain? I use it all the fucking time. There is no rule AT ALL saying DO NOT BUILD BY WARPS. I have never EVER seen a rules saying that. I follow the server rules but some time magic rules that aren't on the RULES list come into play. How the hell was I spouse to know that you can't build around warps? I never saw a rule saying that. If you don't want people to do something, make it a bloody rule then! I bet if you had more rules on the rules list that I would have never been banned EVER. You just think that we can read your mind and know what we should and shouldn't do. That's not how it works though. If you don't want people to do something tell them and then they won't. I haven't built around around any warps at all now that I know that its not allowed. How are other people going to know what you can't build around warps? Its not on the rule list. I really like The server. I honestly do. I could get youtubers on the server left and right. But I don't know if I should. I've been banned and **** for stuff that's not even a rule at all. Which means I had no clue that what I was doing was wrong what so ever. I don't know why you guys think I just know all the things that I'm not allowed to do. All I am asking in the end is for all the owners to get on a say sorry to me because I fell really hurt that I was banned repeatedly for not knowing something. That's all I'm asking. Also I'm going to try to get a youtuber on so look forward to that. He has a lot of people that follow him around and play games and stuff with him. Also I hope we can still be chill after this.


Active Member
Sep 6, 2014
First of all Owners have nothing to apologize of .. Jason working around the cloak to get things done in the server ... 2nd of all /ignore best command for those who wants ppl to leave them alone third I'll add an punishment for cops that killed citizens for no reason 4th You need mature up! Seriously? I feel hurts ?! Are you 10 years old?! Kiddo.. Listen up ! The world is tough and rough more then you think so if you though for a 2nd that you will be in your mommy and daddy for rest of your life you are wrong you must understand that you need find your own solution if you did not found one you may go to us and don't act like kid C'mon man Activate your brain and do what you should do ... From now I'll add few rules tonight

• People That want to be staff need Atlease 10 days of training and gaining trust

• Cops Not Allowed to kill people .. Only criminals

• Staff that wants ban someone need given an reason on MC Cities staff chat on skype

• Staffs that Banned without reason will be demoted to Tourist Immidetly

• Cops that will abuse /cop commands will get Banned and demoted

• Building Around warps building isn't allowed


Soo last rule your saying no one can build near wild.. Mine... Woods... Near city,.. ??? That is what inn hearing


And squid you should not have been named for building around the warp... Ur right it is in the wild.. But don't build inappropriate stuff either.. And there is no rule saying you can't build around a warp... Especially if he is building in the wild... And I agree rules need to be updated
Dec 16, 2014
Lugar_3342 said:
And squid you should not have been named for building around the warp... Ur right it is in the wild.. But don't build inappropriate stuff either.. And there is no rule saying you can't build around a warp... Especially if he is building in the wild... And I agree rules need to be updated
Well there is no refund after the ban is over. I though them saying sorry would be a ok refund for getting banned for nothing. But I guess I was wrong..


Active Member
Sep 6, 2014
x_SquidMaster_x said:
Well there is no refund after the ban is over. I though them saying sorry would be a ok refund for getting banned for nothing. But I guess I was wrong..
I have no soul? xD
Might its true might it's not but you need understand that life not easy so if you feel pain turn your emotions off xD I got the pain for lot of years not including the car accident last year... You must mature up and be respectful for get respected .. "A dog ain't bite for nothing"