Allow Apartments in Caymen downtown


Active Member
May 29, 2017
I have small crappy apartments I want to update to larger ones. They stay though--because I can't re-region the area. I have awesome, large apartments I'd like to region.

I get the counter-argument, but it's totally solvable.

All possibilites:
  1. Enforce strict quality control for new apartments. Super strict.
  2. Charge 10-20k per apartment region. Want 10 apartments? 200k. Creates a much-needed money sink and it won't flood your staff with requests.
  3. Allow a 2:1 exchange. If you want to region 1 new one, you have to unregion 2 old ones that are of lesser quality.

At this point...just let us have a method to access this gameplay and keep Caymen active, please. I've had several random pms and /mails of people wanting to live in sky20 permanently. It's an element of the server people would love to see in the most iconic part of the map. But right now things are only getting unregioned and moving away from the city, and it's saddening.
