Denied ApolloSaturn's Architect Application

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Jan 22, 2017
Your current in game name: ApolloSaturn

Do you have Skype? (Yes or no only; we have an arch chat to discuss projects and builds as a team):I do not have Skype at the moment, but I can get it if I get accepted.

Which of your creative plots would you like to submit? (Example, you have 5 plots but you think your 3rd is the best. You get there with /plot home:3):I would like to submit my Plot 1 (Plot 13;28).

Do you prefer interior or exterior design?: I honestly like both, but I think I do better with exterior over all.

How much time do you tend to build each week?: I like to do many projects on this server, so I usually spread them out. I might work on a project for like a week, and take a break for the next couple days when I am done with it.

Tell us about your favorite building memory: My favorite building memory is actually on another server. My friend and I decided to start a town on that server, and we had a very fun time building a town hall, houses, PVP arena, mansions, etc. It eventually ended up becoming one of the most popular towns on the server after working on it for a couple months. A lot of the people commented that our buildings were very cool. The following picture is one of the mansions I have made that I am most proud of: (We had to make it out of wood due to shortage of other materials)
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Your build in creative is interesting and we would love to see more work from you. In regards to the picture you posted I think that build has a good shape but could use more variance in the blocks used for the exterior. Mix things up and have fun and practice building more. Good luck!
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