1. What is your Minecraft username (ign)?
2. What subjects do you want to teach? (list 2 - 3 subjects that aren't taken and relates to Minecraft)
1. Slimefun foods (i.e. how to make cheesecake, and all of it’s materials, and how to make the machines required to do these things)
2. Starting out on MCCities- a basic overview of what new players should know. Helpful commands, how to know if a plot/apt is overpriced, good and bad investments (i.e. should they buy a train or an apartment), things like /rep and /ar time, and more. This can help new players out, and old players can assist in discussions to help mention things left out, and to help newer players understand.
3. Manners Class- This is an idea that I had, that I've stuck to for awhile. A lot of players don't know how to deal with rude players, how to not be a rude player, etc, and I hope that this class can help people be nice to others. Students can talk about experiences they have had with rude players, how to be nice in those situations, and be given example situations to figure out what to do in them and how to act maturely.
3. What is your rank on the server? (Citizen, Millionaire, Police, etc)
I am currently a citizen.
4. What would you do if a student wasn’t behaving appropriately in class?
I will use a four part discipline plan in my classroom:*
1. A general warning (not directed at anyone in particular: “Now, pay attention for this!”
2. Calling out the student: “PLAYER please stop disrupting class.”
3. Calling out the student and letting them know that this is the LAST warning: “PLAYER please stop disrupting students, or you will have to leave my class.”
4. A warning for them, but without their name: “Let’s all pay attention at this part!”
5. Referral to principal’s office: PLAYER, I gave you two warnings but you have chosen to ignore them. So, you’ll have to leave my class and go to the principal’s office.
While this is my base plan, steps may be added/removed depending on the behavior. I.e., a student not stopping talking to others versus a student bullying another student.
5. Do you have a discord account? (This is now required for teachers to communicate and plan as a team)
6. What timezone are you in?( Important for knowing when to plan school)
I am in the EST time zone (USA).
BTW, I can usually get on almost anytime, but my playtime schedule will depend on what things I have going on irl, but with notice I can usually always be on.
7. Why do you want to become a teacher?
In real life, both of my parents are teachers, and I’ve grown up watching them teach. For a lot of my life I’ve dreamed of becoming a teacher, and when I heard about MCCities having teachers a few months ago, I knew it was for me.
I play for hours a day, and I often find myself helping players as much as I can, while trying to figure out this complex server. All three of the classes I wish to teach reflect on subjects I have helped others on at some point, and answer questions I’ve seen asked at lot in game and in the forums. I believe that my classes could help educate players on MCCities, and that players will really be able to use the skills I teach them in game, and that they will educate the community. I had to learn how to cook with Slimefun on my own, and after watching many tutorial videos and trying to gather materials, I was confused. I would have loved to have someone explain it to me in person. I remember starting out a little over half a year ago. It was… rough, to say the least. I hope that a starting out on MCCities class could help new players get a head start, and that it could have old players help others, and hopefully promote older players to start helping newer ones more often.
8. Do you agree to be a good role model? As a teacher you should be responsible, mature, and follow the law. If a teacher is caught being a poor role model or breaking server rules they will be reprimanded.
I agree to be a good role model, and I hope that I am already thought of as one.
Thank you for reading my application!
And good luck to everyone applying!
2. What subjects do you want to teach? (list 2 - 3 subjects that aren't taken and relates to Minecraft)
1. Slimefun foods (i.e. how to make cheesecake, and all of it’s materials, and how to make the machines required to do these things)
2. Starting out on MCCities- a basic overview of what new players should know. Helpful commands, how to know if a plot/apt is overpriced, good and bad investments (i.e. should they buy a train or an apartment), things like /rep and /ar time, and more. This can help new players out, and old players can assist in discussions to help mention things left out, and to help newer players understand.
3. Manners Class- This is an idea that I had, that I've stuck to for awhile. A lot of players don't know how to deal with rude players, how to not be a rude player, etc, and I hope that this class can help people be nice to others. Students can talk about experiences they have had with rude players, how to be nice in those situations, and be given example situations to figure out what to do in them and how to act maturely.
3. What is your rank on the server? (Citizen, Millionaire, Police, etc)
I am currently a citizen.
4. What would you do if a student wasn’t behaving appropriately in class?
I will use a four part discipline plan in my classroom:*
1. A general warning (not directed at anyone in particular: “Now, pay attention for this!”
2. Calling out the student: “PLAYER please stop disrupting class.”
3. Calling out the student and letting them know that this is the LAST warning: “PLAYER please stop disrupting students, or you will have to leave my class.”
4. A warning for them, but without their name: “Let’s all pay attention at this part!”
5. Referral to principal’s office: PLAYER, I gave you two warnings but you have chosen to ignore them. So, you’ll have to leave my class and go to the principal’s office.
While this is my base plan, steps may be added/removed depending on the behavior. I.e., a student not stopping talking to others versus a student bullying another student.
5. Do you have a discord account? (This is now required for teachers to communicate and plan as a team)
6. What timezone are you in?( Important for knowing when to plan school)
I am in the EST time zone (USA).
BTW, I can usually get on almost anytime, but my playtime schedule will depend on what things I have going on irl, but with notice I can usually always be on.
7. Why do you want to become a teacher?
In real life, both of my parents are teachers, and I’ve grown up watching them teach. For a lot of my life I’ve dreamed of becoming a teacher, and when I heard about MCCities having teachers a few months ago, I knew it was for me.
I play for hours a day, and I often find myself helping players as much as I can, while trying to figure out this complex server. All three of the classes I wish to teach reflect on subjects I have helped others on at some point, and answer questions I’ve seen asked at lot in game and in the forums. I believe that my classes could help educate players on MCCities, and that players will really be able to use the skills I teach them in game, and that they will educate the community. I had to learn how to cook with Slimefun on my own, and after watching many tutorial videos and trying to gather materials, I was confused. I would have loved to have someone explain it to me in person. I remember starting out a little over half a year ago. It was… rough, to say the least. I hope that a starting out on MCCities class could help new players get a head start, and that it could have old players help others, and hopefully promote older players to start helping newer ones more often.
8. Do you agree to be a good role model? As a teacher you should be responsible, mature, and follow the law. If a teacher is caught being a poor role model or breaking server rules they will be reprimanded.
I agree to be a good role model, and I hope that I am already thought of as one.
Thank you for reading my application!