Denied Bootsie's Architect Application

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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2017
Bootsie's Architect Application

1. What is your username?

2. What is your server rank? (do /ar check)

3. Do you have a discord account? (Yes | No | Willing to make one)
Yes, BootsieBear#4450

4. What plot(s) would you like to submit? (/plot home <number>)
My creative plots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6!*
*Plot 2 is the Runnerboro police station, which I built.
Also, I am working on a project with Thft, plot 12:30 owned by ramamoon, and I have done almost all of the interior, with just a few small changes by him, if that can count towards my application.

5. What building styles do you specialize in? Choose all that apply. (modern, futuristic, traditional, medieval, terraforming, other)
I specialize in modern design and terraforming. I have the most experience with modern designs. I have built with other styles before, and I have been able to catch on pretty quickly, though they are not my favorites.

6. What types of design do you specialize in? Choose all that apply. (interior, exterior, landscaping, outdoor areas, other)
I specialize in all types of designs, and I am willing to do any, but I enjoy and am best at doing interior, especially modern style (though all styles.)

7. Why do you want to be an architect?
I wish to be an architect because I’ve been a part of this server longer than half of a year, and it’s amazing. I wish to contribute to this community that has stood by me and made me enjoy playing Minecraft even more than I already do. When I first joined MCCities my first thought was "wow" when I walked around this beautiful city, and I've wanted to help out most of my time here. I've wanted to join some part of the team behind MCCities, and after doing some builds for other people I realized that this could be how I could help out. This summer I have been on a lot, and I realized that I could help out with all of my spare time. I have always enjoyed building, and now I can do it to help out others.

8. How would you contribute to communication with the team, community projects, and other architect-related things?
Even when I am not on Minecraft, I am usually on my phone (aka Discord). I am usually always available on Discord to look at things people send me, like builds, and give my feedback. I have a lot of ideas for the city, including a festival area, a carnival, a racetrack, and much more. I have spent most of my time on MCCities trying to be a good role model, and because of that many players come to me and ask questions, show me what they've achieved, and even run ideas for the server past me. Because of how many people I know, ranging from people who have played two months to people who have played two years, I can accurately get ideas from the community that people would love, and suggest them to the team or build them myself. While I specialize mainly in modern design, I have been experimenting lately and found that I can pick up other styles pretty quickly, so I can do almost anything on the team.

Thank you for reading my application, and have a wonderful rest of your day! :D
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