1. user name ) FireDemon94
2. Rank) Citizen
3. Timezone) The same time as London -England
4. what would I do ) slimefun machines and how to get certain ores so basicly slimefun stuff
5. how would i handle a Misbehaving student) (if i had build perms in room) i will have a time out box and they will stay in it for the entire lesson after 3 warnings
6. Do you have a discord) Yes if i need to use this its fine
7. Why do i want to be a teacher) When i first started no one online knew about slimefun machines and power sources and it took me hours to learn it so i want to help players learn quick about slimefun machines and ores
8. Questions) Do you have to pay for a teacher room to teach my students?
2. Rank) Citizen
3. Timezone) The same time as London -England
4. what would I do ) slimefun machines and how to get certain ores so basicly slimefun stuff
5. how would i handle a Misbehaving student) (if i had build perms in room) i will have a time out box and they will stay in it for the entire lesson after 3 warnings
6. Do you have a discord) Yes if i need to use this its fine
7. Why do i want to be a teacher) When i first started no one online knew about slimefun machines and power sources and it took me hours to learn it so i want to help players learn quick about slimefun machines and ores
8. Questions) Do you have to pay for a teacher room to teach my students?