Denied gracies.. 3rd arch app LMAO

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2016
1. What is your username?
2. What is your server rank? (do /ar check)
3. Do you have a discord account? (Yes | No | Willing to make one)
Yes: gracieb882#2035
4. What builds would you like to submit? (/plot home <number>)
Plot home 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(pretty much all)
5. Why do you want to be an architect?
I personally love contributing to the builds within our community, and I personally love when people ask me to do a build for them. With that, I take into consideration all that the player wants aswell as the time frame needed. It is so rewarding to see that someone besides yourself appreciates the builds you put your time into, and that is the main reason why I want to become an arch, for the 3rd time lol.
6. How would you contribute to community projects?
If you know me from when I was an arch, I take the building very seriously and got the work done as soon as possible. I love to do decor and traditional builds and want to learn more skills for how to build other designs!! I will contribute by getting the work done when its needed and will put my effort into each build as if it was for me. I also want to be able to contribute to this community and help make the city a fun and even more beautiful place it already is!

Thank you!

For the record: the reason I lost arch was due to my attitude which has absolutely changed since I returned from my perm ban. I hope to be apart of this amazing team of builders <3
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