Buying I am buying all kinds of items with slots



I am buying items with slots on them I am looking for mostly axes and armor with slots. If you have any comment below


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
I am looking for a good axe forget the armor I am looking for an axe with slots
Idk whats wrong with you but, u ahd a axe with 5 slots and fire aspect and placed tier 1 slots on it. I saw a guy place 3 tier 1 slots on a sharp 6 dia axe....


Idk whats wrong with you but, u ahd a axe with 5 slots and fire aspect and placed tier 1 slots on it. I saw a guy place 3 tier 1 slots on a sharp 6 dia axe....
The slots are not what I focused on I had fire aspect and Sharpness 5 and Knockback 2 or 3 which is enough and then i added the tier one scrolls because it gives an extra boost to your PVP but I don rely on mythic


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
The slots are not what I focused on I had fire aspect and Sharpness 5 and Knockback 2 or 3 which is enough and then i added the tier one scrolls because it gives an extra boost to your PVP but I don rely on mythic
Still tho, huge waste. I bet people would pay a lot for that axe if it had all the scrolls not used. Id offer like 400-500k for it if it was dia. But since you wasted it on crappy slots. It really down grades its price value. Pretty rare to get a 12dmg axe with fire aspect and knockback with 5 slots on it


Still tho, huge waste. I bet people would pay a lot for that axe if it had all the scrolls not used. Id offer like 400-500k for it if it was dia. But since you wasted it on crappy slots. It really down grades its price value. Pretty rare to get a 12dmg axe with fire aspect and knockback with 5 slots on it
Ok do you have any for sale


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
Ok do you have any for sale
No, I would have traded my sword that I use to kill a bunch of peeps for that axe cus it gives absorption on me and wither on the enemy. But after you placed the crappy scrolls nahh. Tho I do have mythic armor forsale