Keep it Fair?


Jun 12, 2018
Cali ;)
So i just had to say this I bought an Amh Mansion plot on the large mansion side of Amh.
Spent lots of hours building a really in my opinion Beautiful Modern Villa Style house, I went to have it transferred and it was denied for not looking modern and not fitting the area.
Today I'm walking around that side of Amh I see MANY new sandstone style homes. Why wasnt mine allowed but this was? Im upset I had to ditch my dream home because of some unfair rules.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2018

Above is an imgur with many example of houses, all in amh, that do not fit the alleged building code that was forced upon @EmileeJc and I's house. I have included our own home and many of the surrounded plots to show how the island is not cohesive at all, but yet our mansion was declined.


Jun 12, 2018
Cali ;)
Don't pick one area to enforce the rules Amh should have those set of rules enforced everywhere don't cherry pick where to enforce rules, Amh is either all modern or not the region is all connected you see all sorts of houses when you walk the island, not a consistent style anywhere to be honest


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2018
To be clear, this is the modern area that the house, amh15, is in. Not sure where you see a traditional one near it. Don't walk around the entire island to cherry pick your 'evidence.'
Literally across the way is a brown wool mansion, next to a sandstone and stone slab building, next to an oak and banner filled house...but they're all modern, right? It's obvious you don't like us but it really isn't necessary to ruin the fun of the server for us.


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Jan 11, 2018
Sundae does a fantastic job at transfers and made a completely fair and reasonable call. I’ve travelled around Amh many times (mainly in my attempts to kill LTG) and although there are other styles of plots in the vicinity of yours most if not all are modern. To say she doesn’t like you is simply silly.


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Oct 14, 2017
Google maps
I have always apreciated sundae for not being biased, and I still do.
I think you all need to understand that the goal is to have the houses be modern, these rules were put in action some time ago, but the houses build and shown on these pictures are far older.

Want a certail style house build? Find a house seperated from the others and not in a certain neighbourhood, this way the're are no restrictions to what exact style the house should be.

I do think classic houses with a modern tint should be allowed more often, but you rather have a rule enforced too often then not enough.

But, staff gave their opinion, you all gave your opinion, the way this system works is staff has the last say, so that means debating this more has no use. :D
(Go ahead though, I mean who am I to say you have to stay silent).


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2017
Never gonna tell, UK
In all fairness the house you build is semi-modern looking, but it's because of the fact it's mostly built from sandstone and bricks that it was denied instead of modern-looking/modern style material such as concrete, quartz, terracotta and the like. You could incorporate, where possible, sandstone/brick elements to a mostly modern house, but for the exterior of the house at least it would need to fit the general style of the rest of the houses and buildings around the plot area. Take amh16 for example (my main house) it's mostly quartz, terracotta (I think) and various planks on the outside and inside it's a mix of modern interior design and my own terrible interiors which have somehow stick stuck (for some reason xD)

My advice would be to have a proper look around the houses around the plot you'd like to have a house transferred to, take note of certain styling aspects and materials that are mostly used and go from there while making sure that, as per the rules, it conforms to appropriate standards


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
To be fair I can see why your mad and the area is beachy type of island and would suit a build something like that but, amh15 isn’t exactly the type of plot for that. In my experience that type of mansion would fit the island of central-city. They have houses and mansions similar to that style. Amh is getting quite modern and the area is sort of sub divided in different areas at this point becaue the regioning there was not properly done. Therefore the area has a lot of different building styles in the area but none of them cater to the

Traditional Sand-Brick style. The style is very different and I have only seen a few of it. I would suggest you buy a house in an area where there is not much houses or Bali Island or also known as Centeral-City.

Also judt to note guys this is not a raging thread and I see where your trying to protect sundae but we should focus more on trying to remedy the problem by giving suggestions and solutions instead of backfiring comments, sorry if it seems a lil hardh but try to give viable and possible solutions to the problem.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2018
To be fair I can see why your mad and the area is beachy type of island and would suit a build something like that but, amh15 isn’t exactly the type of plot for that. In my experience that type of mansion would fit the island of central-city. They have houses and mansions similar to that style. Amh is getting quite modern and the area is sort of sub divided in different areas at this point becaue the regioning there was not properly done. Therefore the area has a lot of different building styles in the area but none of them cater to the

Traditional Sand-Brick style. The style is very different and I have only seen a few of it. I would suggest you buy a house in an area where there is not much houses or Bali Island or also known as Centeral-City.

Also judt to note guys this is not a raging thread and I see where your trying to protect sundae but we should focus more on trying to remedy the problem by giving suggestions and solutions instead of backfiring comments, sorry if it seems a lil hardh but try to give viable and possible solutions to the problem.
Problem is nobody is selling large plots and even then I dont trust staff to make the correct decision


Jun 12, 2018
Cali ;)
To be fair I can see why your mad and the area is beachy type of island and would suit a build something like that but, amh15 isn’t exactly the type of plot for that. In my experience that type of mansion would fit the island of central-city. They have houses and mansions similar to that style. Amh is getting quite modern and the area is sort of sub divided in different areas at this point becaue the regioning there was not properly done. Therefore the area has a lot of different building styles in the area but none of them cater to the

Traditional Sand-Brick style. The style is very different and I have only seen a few of it. I would suggest you buy a house in an area where there is not much houses or Bali Island or also known as Centeral-City.

Also judt to note guys this is not a raging thread and I see where your trying to protect sundae but we should focus more on trying to remedy the problem by giving suggestions and solutions instead of backfiring comments, sorry if it seems a lil hardh but try to give viable and possible solutions to the problem.
This isn't mean to be at all mean or to disrespect staff we were just trying to understand why thank you for finally giving some good information and suggestions to help