Scrolls Info


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2018
Could someone help me by posting below all the types of Scrolls and what they do. It will really help me.

Thanks, True
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Mar 22, 2017
I am not great with scrolls but here we go:

Tiers go up, some scrolls like tier 4 scrolls are very highly sought after, others like tier one are more common and less useful. The tiers go I, II, III, and IV.
Scrolls can be put on armor or tools. Armor scrolls are things like:

Harden: Boosts defenses for a certain amount of time when hit
Frost: Slows person who hits you

Tool scrolls normally go on pvp weapons like swords and axes and bows, and less on tools. Some are:

Darkness: Blinds player who is hit
Poison: Poisons hit player
Wither: gives wither effect to player hit
Adrenaline: When you hit a player, you get speed I

Again, I am not the best with scrolls, I would ask someone who pvps a lot to help you. There are many more than what I have listed here, I either don't know what they do exactly or cannot list the names bc I forget them

For the scroll market, most people buy tier 3-4 scrolls, as they are much more effective in pvp than tiers 1 and 2. I would recommend selling those or using them when you have them! Best of luck with your scrolling :p
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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
Tool Scrolls:
Darkness: Blinds players, dosent allow player to sprint as well
Chill: Slows Players
Weaken: Players deal less damage since they’re weakened
Counter: gives you absorption or 2 golden hearts for a number of milliseconds- seconds depending on tier
Wither: Gives player wither effect, or the black hearts
Poison: Poisons player, green hearts
Confusion: Gives player nausea makes their screen move around or make them dizzy so it’s harder for them to hit I think, not sure.
Andrenaline (This is the most useless one FYI): Gives the player speed for a few seconds. Reasons why it’s useless, it breaks sprint speed, and in pvp you break your sprint or momentum when u get hit so this is kinda useless if your on fire poisoned or withered, speed won’t really do you much good. Like again will make your screen harder to pvp as the change of speed effects will make it annoying asf.

Defensive scrolls:
Frost: basically slows player when they hit you
Harden: This is basically like absorption so when a player hits you, you get a 2 golden hearts for a number of milliseconds seconds
Spikes and Needles: I totally forgot which one is which but one gives poison the other gives wither when you get hit.

Things to note down in pvp:
Stuff which can affect gameplay

Thorns can deal a few more health to the player or speed break them if they’re doing combos.

Unbreaking or durability is one of the most important, especially in long battles where players use multiple armor sets, durability will help you last longer. Note When you get hit, your armor tanks the hits and loses durability.

Protection is important so you take less damage from hits.

Projectile Protection: In some cases this is an essential as some players have the semi rare gun gauss, which shoots tons of arrows in one second. And some players have bows, but it’s not that much of a matter besides for the gun spammers or gauss users.

Fire protection: dosent matter too much, but if it could cut your time being set on fire, why not?

Some Weapons, Diamond swords or axes, legendary tier may appear with Sharp 6 which deals 0.5 more damage.
Diamond axes in the exotic tier, may appear with Knockback and Fire Aspect.

Now here, I’m gonna teach you how to build weapon and gear. So which scrolls are best and for what.
So for Weapons I’d suggest you have both in hand, a axe and sword if possible with slots and scrolls on it.
Axes can deal more damage on armor or it says it deals 12 dmg usually for sharp 5 dia axes
And swords deal 10 dmg for sharp 5 dia swords. Let’s not jump into conclusions thinking axes are better. Both are very very important, if your in for a fast kill or kill a few newbies or low armed players and to end it fast, go for a sword as swords has faster attack speed. Axes are better for longer fights when players use multiple sets of armor or even one set. Players would usually have 4 sets, or the stronger players atleast, they’re first 2 sets are usually the strongest with plot 7 high durability etc..., if prefer axe has a Early-Mid fighting weapon, to dish out their armor when they’re on they’re 3rd to 4th set, it dosent have as good enchants or scrolls and they would likely be severely damaged already so using a sword would actually do good if you can combo the player and possibly kill him.

Another important tactic is strafing (I think that’s how u spell it), it’s where you move from left right middle direction or around the player and combo hit the player usually not allowing them to hit you or would be hard for them to hit you.

In mccities pvp, healing items may affect the gameplay such as Bandages, Blade of Vampires.
As well as your choice of food, such as slimefun food heads which are edable. Or use multiple coolers, stored with a lot of drinks. For sf food try to get atleast 4+ food bars healed. Most players use Tiramisu or Burgers. You may buy burgers in /warp mcdonald.

When buying armor and weapon, for Armor you only really need 4 slots, 5-6 would be useless as cities only has 4 different armor scrolls. While weapons try to aim for a 6 slot. The more important scrolls to us for Swords or Axes would be Weaken, Darkness, Chill and Counter. So a 4 slot wouldn’t be as bad, then if you get a 5 or 6 slot add Wither and Poison to it as well. I would try to avoid Andrenaline and Confusion, tho Confusion wouldn’t be so bad if it were place in a sub weapon or second weapon. For Bows, bows maybe have up to Power 6 and up to Punch 5. The best enchants for Bows would be, darkness, chill, wither, confusion. And if there’s another slot or 2, get poison and weaken. The aim usually for bows are for a more defensive approach in long pvps, if u need to switch gear sets, or can be used for catching players who tend to run so slowing them down would be one of its main objectives. If you want to use the bow more offensive, try to avoid Punch, and if its for more defensive, get a higher Punch.

I’m tired of explaining more stuff, even if there’s so much to explain, but this is some of it I guess....