Denied Teacher Application

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What is your rank on the server? Citizen
What is your /ar check time? 6 Days 7 Hours
How often can you play on the server? Everyday probate 4-5 hours or sometimes more!
Why do you want to become a teacher? To make sure that our citizens are well educated and when are players are educated we can have a more fun filled experience.
What do you want to teach? Please include 2-3 topics, in case one of them are already occupied. Heath, US History, Government such as different types of government, dr course, jobs in mccities course.
What would you do if a student wasn't behaving during class? I would give them a verbal warning then asked them to go outside for 5 minutes, then go talk to lizzie
Do you agree to be a good role model? As a teacher, you should be responsible and follow the law. Yes because how teachers behave runs off on the students and i think if our students are educated and have good role models our community and server will thrive.
Do you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about teaching? No thanks for reading my application


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Nov 7, 2016
Denied, we've already spoken about why.
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