Accepted Teacher application


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2017
1. What is your Minecraft username (ign)?

2. What subjects do you want to teach? (list 2 - 3 subjects that aren't taken)

Culinary - I teach the students how to cook vanilla, slimefun, drinks and food, etc., World Literature - I read to the students and they'll have to write short responses about the book, etc. Health - I will be teaching the students about mental and physical health, what to do to be healthy and what not to do to make your body unhealthy, etc.

3. What is you rank on the server? (Citizen, Millionaire, Police, etc)


4. What would you do if a student wasn’t behaving appropriately in class?

It depends, for example, if a student were to talk when they were not supposed to, I will first warn the students who were talking and tell them the consequences of what will happen if they continue to misbehave. If they continue a second time, I will send them out of class for a short time and make sure they understand what will happen after if they continue to misbehave. Then, if they misbehave once again, I will report the students to the Vice principle or principle about the misbehavior. Another example would be, that if a student was not doing what they were supposed to do or doing something inappropriate, I would tell them to immediately stop and make sure that they understand the consequences, but if they continue, I will send them to the Vice principal or the principal.

5. Do you have a discord account? (This is now required for teachers to communicate and plan as a team)

I recently got one, so yes. My discord is: xXAtomic_SushiXx#9436

6. What timezone are you in?( Important for knowing when to plan school)
CST, Central Time Zone

7. Why do you want to become a teacher?
I want to become a teacher, because I love helping and teaching others. I would love to help and teach others about world literature, by being the world literature teacher, help students how to stay healthy, by being the health teacher and to teach students how to make their own food out of basic things/everyday things that they see, so they survive, by being the culinary teacher. I want to, especially, make sure that the students will have fun in my class. I do and think that I have the experience of being a health teacher, cooking teacher, or a world literature teacher in McCities. I want to improve the quality of the literature, culinary, or health education and change the lives of my students by being a teacher and teaching my students good lessons. I also love communicating to the players of McCities, which would make it easier for me to teach to others. Lastly, I want to share to others what I have learned, if I become a literature teacher, and I generally think it would be fun to be a teacher in McCities. These are the reasons why I would love to become a teacher.

8. Do you agree to be a good role model? As a teacher you should be responsible, mature, and follow the law. If a teacher is caught being a poor role model or breaking server rules they will be reprimanded.

Yes, of course I will agree to be a good role model. I agree to be responsible, mature, and to follow the law.

9. Last comments?
Thank you to the Vice Principal and Principal and whoever is reading over my application for taking the time to read it. I hope you have a wonderful day, and again, thank you!
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Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Mar 22, 2017
4 Privet Drive
1. What is your Minecraft username (ign)?

2. What subjects do you want to teach? (list 2 - 3 subjects that aren't taken)

School nurse, Guidance Councelor, Literature

3. What is you rank on the server? (Citizen, Millionaire, Police, etc)


4. What would you do if a student wasn’t behaving appropriately in class?

It depends, for example, if a student were to talk when they were not supposed to, I will first warn the students who were talking and tell them the consequences of what will happen if they continue to misbehave. If they continue a second time, I will send them out of class for a short time and make sure they understand what will happen after if they continue to misbehave. Then, if they misbehave once again, I will report the students to the Vice principle or principle about the misbehavior. Another example would be, that if a student was not doing what they were supposed to do or doing something inappropriate, I would tell them to immediately stop and make sure that they understand the consequences, but if they continue, I will send them to the Vice principle or the principle.

5. Do you have a discord account? (This is now required for teachers to communicate and plan as a team)

I recently got one, so yes. My discord is: xXAtomic_SushiXx#9436

6. What timezone are you in?( Important for knowing when to plan school)
CST, Central Time Zone

7. Why do you want to become a teacher?
I want to become a teacher, because I love helping and teaching others. I would love to help and teach others about literature, help others by curing their injuries, etc. by being the school nurse, and by guiding others throughout their education by being the guidance counselor. I want to, especially, make sure that the students will have fun in my class. I do and think that I have the experience of being a guidance counselor, school nurse, or a literature teacher in McCities. I want to improve the quality of the literature education and change the lives of my students by being a teacher and teaching my students good lessons. I also love communicating to the players of McCities, which would make it easier for me to teach to others. Lastly, I want to share to others what I have learned, if I become a literature teacher, and I generally think it would be fun to be a teacher in McCities. These are the reasons why I would love to become a teacher.

8. Do you agree to be a good role model? As a teacher you should be responsible, mature, and follow the law. If a teacher is caught being a poor role model or breaking server rules they will be reprimanded.

Yes, of course I will agree to be a good role model. I agree to be responsible, mature, and to follow the law.

9. Last comments?
Thank you to the Vice Principle and Principle and whoever is reading over my application for taking the time to read it. I hope you have a wonderful day, and again, thank you!
School nurse and Guidance Counselor aren't 'teacher jobs'. Literature is pretty broad, but acceptable. Please state 1-2 topics you would like to teach.