Mc Cities Fanfiction: The Plague of Mc Cities

A/N: I hope you enjoy a new chapter of The Plague of Mc Cities! [Uploaded 4-10-17]

Chapter Three: “Escaping to the Unknown”

Pup bounded ahead of me, and I had to run to keep up. I still have no idea how she has so much energy. She led me upstairs, where the rooms of the warehouse was. She led me into hers, a small room. I always loved going into her room. She could personalize it, with posters and little objects to decorate it. This small room was basically a luxury suite in our mind-sets.

She quickly grabbed two small worn backpacks and shoved one at me. “Take care of that. I packed that for you. I knew you wouldn’t have anything worth bringing with us.”

I frowned. I had one doll from my mother, which was important to me, and before I could protest to her statement she said,” Your doll doesn’t count. The people here need something to remember you by when we leave. We all have to leave something behind.”

I peaked into the small backpack Pup had given me. The contents were as follows: A can of Red Beets, a few sticks of Beef Jerky, two bottles of water, multicolored cloth, a sewing needle, black thread, a small first-aid kit, a journal, and a pencil. I looked up at Pup with my eyebrow raised. “You sure we won’t need anything else?”

Pup grinned, and answered eagerly. “Well, our backpacks contain different things; I’ve got the weapons and fire starters and such. As long as we stay together, we’ll never need anyone else. But, let’s go grab other people, just because.”

Pup switched her jean jacket for something a bit more durable, and slipped on her track shoes. As she slipped ammo into her bag, she grinned at me, excited. I could tell that me just being there made her happy, and I was glad I could do that for her. She was my best friend, and I couldn’t let her down.

Pup slung her backpack over her shoulder after pinning a EnderPort button on it. She lifted her head in a quick motion, telling me mentally that it was time to go. I followed her as she rushed out quietly and slid down the stair banisters. She practically bounded over to a tent in the far back of the giant warehouse, towards a two-person tent that we both knew far too well.

As the flap flew open, I saw two of my good friends preparing for departure: Slime and Donut.

Donut had gorgeous flowing pink hair and the most beautiful ice blue eyes. She an absolute awesome person. When she was a kid, she used to help out her mother in a kitchen, making food for everyone. Now, she basically is a cook on her own, but her job hadn’t been set in stone yet; we all haven’t taken the test yet. She grinned as she slung her light brown backpack over her shoulder, and came to give us both a hug.

“What took you so long? Slime and I have been waiting forEVER!”

Pup chuckled and raised an eyebrow as she broke from the hug. “From the looks of it, Slime’s not even done.”

Slime lifted his head up as he was shoving miscellaneous things in his backpack. “Oh hush up. I’ve got to plan this all out and be smart about it. We don’t want to die because we forgot the most important thing, like toothbrushes.” As he said this, he shoved a few toothbrushes in his backpack, along with a half-used container of toothpaste. Pup and I forgot all about it, and I grinned at him, smiling with approval.

Pup scoffed and tied her hair up with a pastel blue ribbon. She walked over to Slime and zipped up his backpack before he could shove some random reading material in. He looked up at her, and they both scowled at each other. Pup won of course, and Slime defeatedly threw his backpack over his shoulder.

Pup grinned, victorious once again. “Alrighty ladies, pick it up. We only have a few hours until dawn, and we got to find a new life ahead of us. So…”

I grinned and we both said in unison,” Let’s motor!”

Nearby tents shushed us, but the four of us just burst into silent-ish laughter. We all shook it off, and headed out. I looked around, and frowned. This was the one night my mother wasn’t coming home early because she had to take on more work to catch up with the already body-burying workload, and her only child just so happens to run away. I furrowed my brow in worry as we all headed for the roof, the only exit we could leave from at the moment, so we could lay low.

Slime looked at me and frowned. “You alright Fish?”

The sound of my name upon his smooth voice brought me back to the real world. Somehow, we were already on the roof of the giant warehouse. I looked around, and the two other members of our party looked at me with the same worried frown.

“I’m fine, no worries guys. Just a bit nervous.” I shifted uncomfortably, and laughed awkwardly.

Pup stepped up to me and grinned. “You’ll be fine. You have us.”

We teens all smiled at eachother, and quickly made our way across the center of the roof to the edge, where they climbed down the jagged bricks. One certain black hair and brown eyed girl fell off the bricks, only to be caught by Slime below.

“I swear to god Fish, if you’re like this in the world, I won’t always be there to catch you.”

Blush filled my cheeks as he lowered me down, and we regrouped. Out on the horizon, four excited teens were ready for the adventure of their lives, and ready to discover themselves. Elsewhere, in a certain warehouse, a mother was hysterical as she came home to an empty tent.
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A/N: I know that chapter three was a bit more prep, like chapter two, so that’s why I’m releasing this chapter along with chapter four! Enjoy friends! [Uploaded 4-10-17]

Added Characters(IGN): Legit5(Fie Legit)

Chapter Four: “Brand New”

Do you remember the tales told as children, with someone leaving their confined space and greeted with great adventures and eternal happiness, like a whole new world? This wasn’t the case this time.

We were greeted by the worst things imaginable. Oba’s stories did no justice in explaining the fallen city. When we heard of the darkness, we truly did not expect it to be midnight all the time. The darkness attempted to break through the force field, and it covered it, enveloping the city in an eternal darkness. Thank Ciel that Pup and Slime packed some flashlights.

The moment I stepped outside, I regretted it. I instantly wanted to return home, to the comfort of my mother, and to the comfort of knowing I’d be alive when I wake up the next day. Slime, sensing my uncertainty, grabbed my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. He always made me feel ten times better.

Finding a place to bunker down was hard, even with two pairs of us scouting. Pup and Donut found a run down apartment at the top of a complex, but the ladder they climbed was a bit unsafe, so they decided against it. Slime and I found a run down home, but it seemed to already house someone.

I looked to Slime, unsure of what to do. Of course, he began scavenging. He slowly peeled away at the stranger’s belongings, taking whatever he deemed useful as I stood watch by the door.

Slime justified it later by saying,” If they wanted these things, they wouldn’t have left it unguarded.” It didn’t make me feel any better about taking it though, but we could honestly take what we could get.

The feeling that someone was watching us never left the back of my mind either. The group came together again, and we headed towards the dock. We all agreed we might need to bunker down there.

The place seemed abandoned when we got there. The darkness was constantly present, and the houses and shacks were engulfed in a dark ivy. Some of it still moved, which creeped me out the most. We were immune, so it would ignore us, but I feared that sometime during the night, it might not.

We eventually came across a small shack that didn’t seem to run down, even though dark ivy consumed it. The door was lockable, and that was a very important feature. Donut grinned and made her way in first, using her pocket knife to cut at any ivy that might be a problem. Of course, it grew back instantly, but in a different spot, so it wouldn’t bother us. The darkness was strangely nice that way. We all settled down, so went through the contents of our bag together, after the door was locked of course.

Slime removed a small match and a few comics he’d snuck in from his backpack. “These’ll be useful for starting a fire.”

Pup and I were all for it, until Donut spoke up. “We can’t have smoke attracting attention to us. Who knows who’s out there.”

Slime sighed, his plan was shot down my unfailable logic, and placed his items away. I revealed a few sticks of Beef Jerky from my bag, and our group happily ate. Pup agreed to take watch as we all rested until dawn, which would be only a few hours away. She had the gun in her lap as Donut and I curled up beside each other, taking in warmth as we slept. It seemed like a simple sleepover, something I wouldn’t get until later. There was a sense of comfort and safety in our group, a comfort that I knew I could only feel with these specific three. I thought of all of our futures as I drifted off to sleep.

Pup would become a famous adventurer, eventually finding a cure for the darkness in some weirdo-cave or something. Her brown hair would flow over her shoulders as she was deemed the savior of all of our kind. The force field would be removed, and we could resume the lives we would have had. A world like how Oba told us.

Of course, Slime would gain some fame, as would the rest of us. He would become a police officer, hunting down criminals and fighting bad-guys. He’d come home to a lovely house, without dark ivy and worn out tents. He’d stay in touch with us of course, but he won’t be the one hosting the parties.

Donut would be that person. Her pink hair would have streaks of different colored highlights, and she would throw the most outrageous parties. Her upbeat spirit would help her win the hearts of many, so no doubt that when this is all over, she would be sought after by many suitors. She would have the most famous bakery in the entire world, where her food would trump all others. She would, of course, be courteous and not have high prices. She would want anyone, of all classes to munch on her five-star edibles.

Me, though, I was unsure. I was unsure what I even wanted to do. My only dream was to become a miner, but that’s only to speak with people outside the city, not because I actually, truly, want to be one. In my dreams, I was nowhere to be seen. Slime, Donut, and Pup seemed to have their successful lives without me. And maybe that’s telling me something, but only time could tell.

My dream was interrupted by a thump outside our door. I heard a saw going through the wood of the door as I began to stir. I heard the heavy clunk of leather boots step in as I sat up quickly, facing the intruder. The rest of my friends were fast asleep, but I could feel Donut and Slime stirring beside me. I wanted to reach for the pistol in sleeping Pup’s lap, but I was stopped as the stranger raised her gun towards my head.

Her blond locks fell over her shoulders, as I looked up at horror into deep green eyes. The girl smirked, and growled, “ I wouldn’t do that if I were you, shortcake.”

I was in for one hell of a night.

A/N: New character! I hope you enjoyed this two chapter special! I hope I didn’t add too many details, but maybe that’s a good thing! Hoping to add more people, but I want them to be okay with it! Remember, existing people, you can tell me if you don’t want to be in it, and I can replace you, no worries! Anyway, I hope you liked this! Next chapter up next week? Perhaps, but we’ll see! [Uploaded 4-10-17]
A/N: Another chapter of The Plague of Mc Cities! I really hope you enjoy! [Uploaded 05-16-17]

Chapter Five: “Rouge Encounter”

Before I knew it, we were all tied up by black ivy. Our intruder knew how to manipulate it to her own use. She was intelligent and strange in that way, but she wasn't our friend. She’d never be our ally.

Her boots clunked as she circled us, a pistol in her hand. Even with ivy around my head, I could feel her disgustingly satisfied smirking. I felt her crouch down next to Donut, who sat right beside me.

“How is it, that a lil’ girl like me could take down a group of people? Odd, but I’m probably just that good.”

A grunt was heard, and panic spread throughout. That was Donut’s voice. What in Kiri’s name was she doing to her? I heard Pup muffle something under her gags, but a grunt after. Pup hit the floor with a hard thud. Our attacker put her boot back onto the floor, pleased

I felt Slime stirr behind me. We were all up against each other, while clunking boots circled us like a vulture, waiting to pick out it’s prey. My heart beat faster than it ever had been before, and I felt Slime’s hand caress my back. I was going to cry out in surprise, until I realized he was working at the ivy tying up my own hands. I silently thanked him over and over, and suddenly, the ivy around my hands fell to the floor, untied.

I waited, waiting for the clunk of the boots to reach me. And suddenly, my window of attack was open, until our attacker stepped outside. What in Mc was she doing?

I kept my hands behind my back and worked furiously at Slime’s bonds, feeling that having two of us with free hands would help us greatly. I heard Donut sit up and lean on us, grumbling softly in pain. Slime and I worked at her bonds, and with the two of us, it made the process faster. We couldn’t assist Pup; We didn’t know where she was. A creak of the door let us know our attacker had returned.

“So, runts, you think you can step into MY territory, and expect to not get caught!?”

I felt a toe of a boot lift up my chin, and I grumbled to myself.

“What did you say, b$%!#? You want me to shoot your face off? Wish granted~!”

I felt a barrel of a gun make contact with my forehead. I froze in horror as I heard her cock the gun up.

Suddenly, a body shot out from behind me. Slime. He attacked the girl, disarming her. Donut and I scrambled to our feet, and Donut dove for our attacker’s pistol. Slime held down our attacker, wrestling her down. My eyes darted around, until it found what it was looking for.

Pup was on the floor, bleeding. She had a wound in her head, and she was losing life, fast. I dove to her side, removing the first aid kit from my bag as quickly as I could. Tears streamed down my face and Donut and Slime focused on our raging subdued rouge. Her kicks and screams were drowned out by my tears. A ringing sound pierced my ears as I cleaned the wound of an unconscious Pup, and the last thing I remember was me patching it up with bandages.

-------------------------------------------------- lol jk not ending the chapter there.

Darkness was all I could see for mile. Standing in darkness. Most people fear the dark, not because it’s dark, but because what unknowns are hiding in it. I raced forward, unknown to where I was going. Fear powered me to sprint, faster and faster and faster, until I could feel my lungs screaming for me to stop. I felt my world moving. All the breath was taken away as I hit the ground of nothingness. The area around me filled, finally.

Wooden floor. Wooden walls covered with ivy. Was I still at the shack? I looked around me, and saw what I never wanted to see. Pup was sprawled onto the floor, dead, with a puddle of blood surrounding her. My hands lifted to my mouth, covering my cries. I crumpled up next to her, shaking. The bandages were half-wrapped, and her wound wasn’t completely covered.

“P-Pup… no! You c-can’t do this to us! Pl-please! I’m sorry! Plea-Please!”

Two other bodies faded into my view beside Pup’s. Slime and Donut. Shot. Shot to death. Shot to death by our attacker. Shot.

And I was alive.

Sobs filled the air as shock took hold of me. I raced to my two friends, wanting to help, but knowing damn well I couldn’t. I crumbled to the floor, face twisted in agony and sorrow, only to be drowned out by my influx of tears.

“Forgive me… I-I failed y-you! We promised to take ca-care of eachother!”

Tears spilled freely, and I didn’t care. Snot flooded my nose, and I didn’t care. I was making so much noise, and I didn’t care. My hands were bloodied with my best friends’ blood, and I DID CARE. Noise of a young girl’s insane sobs filled the air of the dock.

The sound of familiar clunking boots was heard.

“What a pitiful sight….”

My eyes couldn’t tear away from my hands as I tried to hide my face in shame. I couldn’t face anyone. I would never face anyone.

I felt cold hands hold my face, and turned it towards our attacker’s eyes. Her green eyes pierced into my vulnerable soul, and a smirk covered her face.

“Such a shame. And you were so pretty too.”

A barrel of a gun was all I saw, and all I would see.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter of The Plague of Mc Cities! I’m sorry that I have been absent! I have a whole lot of stuff going on with school, and when summer rolls around, I certainly will have more time! I'll be uploading a new one possible on May 31st, which is my birthday! So look out for that! :D


Cyber Bullied
Dec 7, 2016
"I froze in horror as I heard her cock the gun up." How does one, "cock a gun up"?