Denied CreeperGamer's Teacher Application

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Active Member
What's your rank on the server? My current rank on the server is Citizen.
What's your /ar check time? I've played on the server for 3 days, 15 hours and 30 minutes.
How often can you play on the server? I play everyday whenever I get the chance I've take breaks to not stay on for too long but I can't go on if I'm grounded.
Why do you want to become a teacher? I want to become a teacher to heal an old friends broken heart after the last time I did this. I, uh, want to make it up to her really badly and I hope this gets accepted to do so and to teach the students the knowledge they need.
What do you want to teach? I want to teach Science, History or Math. If any of those topics are available to teach them. I'll be try to make any other topics work out as well if that's case.
Do you agree to be a good role model? Yes; I, RealCutePuppy, agree to be a good role model, responsible, and follow the law.
Do you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about teaching? No I don't.
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For any admin who is reading this I think this is a very well formatted application. We need more people like creeper gamer as teachers!!!


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Nov 7, 2016
This application will be denied as the subjects you chose are taken, please feel free to reapply in a week with different subjects.
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