/plot chat in City world?


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2018
The Police Station
Hey. I have been recently thinking about how convenient it would be to have a plot chat command or something like that in the city world in which you can communicate with players throughout the plot you are on instead of local because sometimes it may not reach as far as a plot size. Like if you are holding a hide n seek event , it would be helpful to have a plot chat or something in which you can use to communicate because local possibly wont reach as far.

Just an idea I have been thinking about which could potentially be quite helpful for players.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2016
houston, texas
Yess!! I agree, but keep /local if people want to be secretive. Something else I think we desperately need is the option to turn off /global or /gl chat, for people who are building or hosting events, like you said, hide ‘n’ seek. That way we could tune out the /gl drama and go back to our own business without having to go into settings and turn off chat, because then you can’t see anything at all, including important broadcasts or messages.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2018
The Police Station
Yess!! I agree, but keep /local if people want to be secretive. Something else I think we desperately need is the option to turn off /global or /gl chat, for people who are building or hosting events, like you said, hide ‘n’ seek. That way we could tune out the /gl drama and go back to our own business without having to go into settings and turn off chat, because then you can’t see anything at all, including important broadcasts or messages.
I think its a cool idea but Global chat is needed for communicating with staff, or other player communication.
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Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Mar 22, 2017
4 Privet Drive
I think its a cool idea but Global chat is needed for communicating with staff, or other player communication.
There is a kind of 'staff announcement' chat which is pretty much unused, but theoretically it could be made so that global is muted while that comes through.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Hey. I have been recently thinking about how convenient it would be to have a plot chat command or something like that in the city world in which you can communicate with players throughout the plot you are on instead of local because sometimes it may not reach as far as a plot size. Like if you are holding a hide n seek event , it would be helpful to have a plot chat or something in which you can use to communicate because local possibly wont reach as far.

Just an idea I have been thinking about which could potentially be quite helpful for players.
Ooh yess great idea!!
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Cyber Bullied
Feb 19, 2017
Diamond Cave, Quartz Forest, Kepler 186f
Hey. I have been recently thinking about how convenient it would be to have a plot chat command or something like that in the city world in which you can communicate with players throughout the plot you are on instead of local because sometimes it may not reach as far as a plot size. Like if you are holding a hide n seek event , it would be helpful to have a plot chat or something in which you can use to communicate because local possibly wont reach as far.

Just an idea I have been thinking about which could potentially be quite helpful for players.
I don't think you understand the critical difference between the plot world and the city world. The plot world uses plotsquared which is a plot plugin while the city world(s) don't use plots at all, but world guard regions with area shop. Those are two very different systems. Now granted there are plugins to chat inside of a world guard region, but honestly who the hell needs it when /local exists. Now suggesting something like an island chat makes a bit more sense since islands are much larger than some house. This idea seems unnecessary nor productive.


Cyber Bullied
Feb 19, 2017
Diamond Cave, Quartz Forest, Kepler 186f
If you're on a plot doesn't /local span the whole region?
I think its a cool idea but Global chat is needed for communicating with staff, or other player communication.
It should for all intensive purposes, only islands (excluding kremesville) and mansion5 could be a concern. Another issue that arises is that one usually is in multiple regions. This means if you wanted to speak just in the gobank region, you would need to specify gobank over banksafezone, and goldenoaks. Now I doubt many new players will understand this concept in the slightest.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2017
Everything takes time. Imo, I'm sure all members of the server would benefit and appreciate more if new plugins or updates come out rather then spending a lot of time developing a plugin to work with worldguard. Local exists regardless..


Well-Known Member
@CreeperCJG I love the idea, because /local just doesn't always work.

@TheDiamondTiger, I respectfully disagree with your opinions.

I don't think you understand the critical difference between the plot world and the city world. The plot world uses plotsquared which is a plot plugin while the city world(s) don't use plots at all, but world guard regions with area shop. Those are two very different systems. Now granted there are plugins to chat inside of a world guard region, but honestly who the hell needs it when /local exists. Now suggesting something like an island chat makes a bit more sense since islands are much larger than some house. This idea seems unnecessary nor productive.
"I don't think you understand the critical difference between the plot world and the city world."
Please don't start off a counterargument with a belittling statement. Nobody wants to hear you out if you're going to act like an intellectual superior.

"The plot world uses plotsquared which is a plot plugin while the city world(s) don't use plots at all, but world guard regions with area shop. Those are two very different systems. Now granted there are plugins to chat inside of a world guard region, but honestly who the hell needs it when /local exists."
You are more than correct in that the two are very different systems, and, as you said, there are plugins to chat in world guard regions. However, your little "Who the hell needs it when /local exists" is where I disagree. You see, /local is currently a terrible way of limiting communication to a small area. At the moment, I estimate the range to be ~15 blocks, which is pointless in larger plots that can exceed 100 blocks across. /plot chat would make it much easier at things like parties and gatherings in large areas. I and many others have often found ourselves talking in local with a group of people, only to realize that only half the players have heard us. It's frustrating and severely limiting, and if a fix in the form of plot chat does indeed exist as you say, it is most certainly worthwhile.

"Now suggesting something like an island chat makes a bit more sense since islands are much larger than some house."
I love the idea of an island chat, but most of us don't own islands. How is it more sensible to add something that affects maybe 3% of us than 80%?
Also, I'm pretty sure that ALL islands for sale are larger than even the largest house.

"This idea seems unnecessary nor productive."
I think you meant that the idea is neither necessary nor productive. "Nor" is generally used after a neither and implies a negative, and is frequently used as a negative version of "and" (Which is the usage in this specific sentence). But putting that aside, how the idea is unnecessary? Why is it sensible to add Island chat, which affects the top 3%, and yet unnecessary to implement a fix for an irritating feature? I honestly don't want to hear parties in global chat, but often people talk in global for fear of not being heard. And what do you mean by not productive? It's pretty obvious that /local is limiting and a better alternative would be highly useful. This idea is neither unnecessary nor unproductive. I guarantee you, as a dedicated player, that it would bring joy and convenience to all of us players if the feature were added. (Although virtually none of the suggestions are ever added or even acknowledged by staff other than @LeanneTheUnicorn )

Best regards, Cozmicraft
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Cyber Bullied
Feb 19, 2017
Diamond Cave, Quartz Forest, Kepler 186f
@CreeperCJG I love the idea, because /local just doesn't always work.

@TheDiamondTiger, I respectfully disagree with your opinions.

"I don't think you understand the critical difference between the plot world and the city world."
Please don't start off a counterargument with a belittling statement. Nobody wants to hear you out if you're going to act like an intellectual superior.

"The plot world uses plotsquared which is a plot plugin while the city world(s) don't use plots at all, but world guard regions with area shop. Those are two very different systems. Now granted there are plugins to chat inside of a world guard region, but honestly who the hell needs it when /local exists."
You are more than correct in that the two are very different systems. However, as you said, there are plugins to chat in world guard regions. However, your little "Who the hell needs it when /local exists" is where I disagree. You see, /local is currently a terrible way of limiting communication to a small area. At the moment, I estimate the range to be ~15 blocks, which is pointless in larger plots that can exceed 100 blocks across. /plot chat would make it much easier at things like parties and gatherings in large areas. I and many others have often found ourselves talking in local with a group of people, only to realize that only half the players have heard us. It's frustrating and severely limiting, and if a fix in the form of plot chat does indeed exist as you say, it is most certainly worthwhile.

"Now suggesting something like an island chat makes a bit more sense since islands are much larger than some house."
I love the idea of an island chat, but most of us don't own islands. How is it more sensible to add something that affects maybe 5% of us than 95%?
Also, I'm pretty sure that islands are much larger than ALL houses.

"This idea seems unnecessary nor productive."
I think you meant that the idea is neither necessary nor productive. "Nor" is generally used after a neither and implies a negative, and is frequently used as a negative version of "and" (Which is the usage in this specific sentence). But that aside, how the idea is unnecessary? Why is it sensible to add Island chat, which affects the top 1%, and yet unnecessary to implement a fix for an irritating feature? I honestly don't want to hear parties in global chat, but often people talk in global for fear of not being heard. And what do you mean by not productive? How would fixing an annoying feature not yield any benefits or results? And if there is already a plugin like you said, then it shouldn't take too much time.
Best regards, Cozmicraft
*not necessary nor productive

Great breakdown,
Yes it is a belittling statement, but it stays intone with how I usually address suggestions, although I am no longer a part of the server and rarely any players know who I am, it still shows how I used to act on the server. You are very much correct to state most are resistant to hearing a voice of arrogance, but arrogance is a wonderful facade for those who'd rather not waste the emotionally energy to care.

Island chat actually affects over 50% of the server population because all world guard regions on an island inherit that chat. Most of the playerbase have properties on public islands, making it not only affect "the top 1%."

Sorry, can't bother with grammar at 2 am, but thanks for pointing it out. One note is your last block of text doesn't address the text given, so maybe add a break after the grammar check. To clarify, by "nor productive" I was giving commentary on the usage of suggestions since this was neutral to gain of the server, while a suggestion is typically a positive addition.

Overall pretty well done analysis, and I would like to note that I did almost have a change of heart while writing my original post, but decided that usage wise its rather unnecessary.

Now some comments of my own:
I'm pretty sure that islands are much larger than ALL houses.
Kremesville is small, wasn't sure if mansion5 was bigger and I don't have access to information on that currently.

I estimate the range to be ~15 blocks, which is pointless in larger plots that can exceed 100 blocks across.
In the past I've been able to talk to people over 20 blocks away through /local, and generally you don't need to talk to multiple people across 100 block distances, and even then /msg suffices.

I honestly don't want to hear parties in global chat, but often people talk in global for fear of not being heard.
/gc and /ac exist for a reason, that's what they are primarily used for. If that doesn't suffice, a simple party plugin would go much further in benefits than a region chat.

Now if you would please respond with maybe an example of uses with a new chat system that can't be handled by the current system. From what you have stated already, all I have gathered is players aren't using the right channels properly.


Well-Known Member
@TheDiamondTiger I see what you mean, and would like to compliment you on your counterarguments, as I believe they are very well thought out.
Do excuse my snarky grammar policing, I just spent a total of 30 hours non-stop flying, driving and sitting at airports. My mood is not the best at the moment.

I think that we should keep the current chat system. However, I still do believe that there is presently a gap in the system. We have a long-range global chat and a short range local chat. I feel that an island chat would be close to a long-range chat, though I certainly am for the idea. In a perfect world where features are easy to add, I would take that. However, I do feel that a plot chat would fill a void for medium range.

So what could plot chat enable that is limited by the current system? Here are a few ideas.

1: People to have private chat areas. /local is problematic for two reasons. The first is that its range can be insufficient if the players are distant, which can cause confusion, and the second being that people outside the plot can also hear /local. The latter is not a big deal, but it's nice to keep private group conversations private. Yes, /msg works, but that's just a direct message and not a chat room where people can interact more freely.

2: Very large gatherings. This is similar to the first. Again, /local and /global are not optimal for large gatherings. There is no way to use /msg effectively for a large group, and nobody wants to hear a dozen drunk players shouting in global chat. /plot chat would enable people to communicate effectively with everyone in the gathering without worry of not reaching them or spamming global chat with messages that are merely a nuisance to others.

3: House sales. People could give tours of their plots, and /plot chat would be perfectly suited to it. Instead of potentially important details being missed or unrelated people hearing about it, only the people who were interested in buying would receive the messages. It would be a highly effective and useful tool for realtors.

I am currently unfamiliar with /ac, would you be so kind as to fill me in on what it does?

Best regards, Cozmicraft
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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
/ac is for ally chat so for example your in gang a your allied to gsng b you can talk to them in /ac and you can toggle ally chat as well.

I dont think like making chat like global etc should be able to be taken out as one its kind of a perk w player can buy, it dosent come with any vip even ultra dosent have it. Its called /silence, it basically sliences all chat except /msg. Anyways the /plot chat for city plots would be a good idea but well it will be fairly hard to make


Well-Known Member
I'm against any type of chat modification other than color or /silence being a perk. Otherwise, it won't affect the majority of players. Nibble's a good programmer, I'm sure he could figure something out with /plot chat if a plugin doesn't already exist.
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Cyber Bullied
Feb 19, 2017
Diamond Cave, Quartz Forest, Kepler 186f
@TheDiamondTiger I see what you mean, and would like to compliment you on your counterarguments, as I believe they are very well thought out.
Do excuse my snarky grammar policing, I just spent a total of 30 hours non-stop flying, driving and sitting at airports. My mood is not the best at the moment.

I think that we should keep the current chat system. However, I still do believe that there is presently a gap in the system. We have a long-range global chat and a short range local chat. I feel that an island chat would be close to a long-range chat, though I certainly am for the idea. In a perfect world where features are easy to add, I would take that. However, I do feel that a plot chat would fill a void for medium range.

So what could plot chat enable that is limited by the current system? Here are a few ideas.

1: People to have private chat areas. /local is problematic for two reasons. The first is that its range can be insufficient if the players are distant, which can cause confusion, and the second being that people outside the plot can also hear /local. The latter is not a big deal, but it's nice to keep private group conversations private. Yes, /msg works, but that's just a direct message and not a chat room where people can interact more freely.

2: Very large gatherings. This is similar to the first. Again, /local and /global are not optimal for large gatherings. There is no way to use /msg effectively for a large group, and nobody wants to hear a dozen drunk players shouting in global chat. /plot chat would enable people to communicate effectively with everyone in the gathering without worry of not reaching them or spamming global chat with messages that are merely a nuisance to others.

3: House sales. People could give tours of their plots, and /plot chat would be perfectly suited to it. Instead of potentially important details being missed or unrelated people hearing about it, only the people who were interested in buying would receive the messages. It would be a highly effective and useful tool for realtors.

I am currently unfamiliar with /ac, would you be so kind as to fill me in on what it does?

Best regards, Cozmicraft
A party chat seems to meet these criteria much better than a region based. Now don't get me wrong, parties should not be level based groups like in mcmmo, but more easily disband-able miniature gangs without stats. This would allow players to make a group and disband it without consequence, while keeping the privacy for conversations. Parties generally would be a great addition especially with intragang battles and exploration, as gangs have become large hierarchical systems.


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Oct 14, 2017
Google maps
A party chat seems to meet these criteria much better than a region based. Now don't get me wrong, parties should not be level based groups like in mcmmo, but more easily disband-able miniature gangs without stats. This would allow players to make a group and disband it without consequence, while keeping the privacy for conversations. Parties generally would be a great addition especially with intragang battles and exploration, as gangs have become large hierarchical systems.
Just a party with a chat and you can ask your whole party to /tpahere. Nothing too complex.
Maybe even make they only last till the daily restart. So they don't take up much dataspace.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, a party chat would suffice. The one issue that I have is that party chat feels a bit too Hypixel-like, and it doesn't quite feel right for a city server (Though this is also the server with magic and teleportation)

I like the idea of them lasting a finite amount of time because the last thing the server needs now is more lag.
Personally, I just like plot chat because I see a lot of roleplay potential in it. Though maybe not the most practical solution, I think some clever players could make some really cool stuff with it and make the server even more unique and authentic.
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