Police/Crime Announcements



Rule changes

Not one minister in McCities history has added any things to help out criminals until I became minister and listened to the pvp community and added some things they suggested. Since then I am very disappointed in the amount of drama these new rules have caused. The following rules below are being removed since they have caused drama. No new rules or programs will be added anytime soon to help out criminals because not one other minister in the 4+ years on McCities has found them necessary and I don't either.

- One cop one player rule is removed

Bank police rules

Police can be in the vault during bank robbery. However, they may not just stand in the vault or the opening of the chest area. They must be constantly moving and checking the maze and outside of the bank. Please report any cops who are just standing there camping.

Police report system

When a player reports a cop for breaking police rules we have a process. First, I look at the evidence and usually consult with the chiefs or sr police on the best way to approach the situation. Second, I usually message the police officer and give them a warning and point out their mistakes. Third, if they are reported again I add a note onto their police profile which can be accessed by past and former ministers regarding their actions and this can be used for points etc. Fourth, if they are reported again we usually give points which can put you very close or actually demote you.

However, the report system is going to be changing. Police officers will now be officially warned first and have a note on their profile when found to be breaking police rules.

Police teams performance

I hold my officers to a high standard. Thats why I have added training exercises, multiple meetings, police rule changes, and hired a police trainer to bring the force to top standard to improve jailing for all.

Harassment of officers
The rude remarks made to officers etc including direct insults, cussing, etc will now be viewed as harassment if I get reports.


If you hint at your applications etc you will be denied for 2 weeks. If you hint at it 3+ times your chances of becoming an officer will be slim.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2019
Harassment of officers
The rude remarks made to officers etc including direct insults, cussing, etc will now be viewed as harassment if I get reports.
Right, so if we said something about false jailing and irresponsibility that counts as harassment. Awesome.
There are a couple of cops I know who denies almost all the false jails and takes it as harassment. How are you going to justify that. Are you all ears to the cops or will screenshots( not just a snip of it) be required to file a report?
I’m worried of getting snitched


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Oct 14, 2017
Google maps
Right, so if we said something about false jailing and irresponsibility that counts as harassment. Awesome.
There are a couple of cops I know who denies almost all the false jails and takes it as harassment. How are you going to justify that. Are you all ears to the cops or will screenshots( not just a snip of it) be required to file a report?
I’m worried of getting snitched
If you want you can always give the evidence to another staff member in dm's or even to me and I'll bring it in anonymusly (or hower you write that word).

Don't think for a second we are not sceptical of our own team but we like to give second chances, training and warnjngs so we see actual improvements. Not just fire and hire people left and right as that doesn't improve the team at all.

Now let us enjoy the cops and robbers for many years to come.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
my messenger pigeon
Trump what about a public section where we can see the warnings being added to cops. not keep it all secret. that way we cant complain that u do nothing

Cause us players wouldn't accuse without reason. its because after countless reports the cops havent changed at all, as if u didnt even talk to them about it
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2019
I’ve seen cops false jailing, and one of them even glitch abusing to get them out of a trap, yet, they still stay the same and no action was taken what-so-ever.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2019
Don't think for a second we are not sceptical of our own team but we like to give second chances, training and warnjngs so we see actual improvements.
As I was saying, some continued to false jail and one breaking server rules. I think you are saying you’re giving out the 739th chance to them now?
And no, I don’t see a warning, and also something very confusing and revolting I would certainly like to speak privately with( not saying it out loud here).
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Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2017
Harassment of officers
The rude remarks made to officers etc including direct insults, cussing, etc will now be viewed as harassment if I get reports.
some cops ignore crime, assault friendly players, ignore rules... but if we do it, its instantly harassment..
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2019
A cop was glitch abusing. I told the superiors about it and nothing happened to him, assuming nothing has happened
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Right, so if we said something about false jailing and irresponsibility that counts as harassment. Awesome.
There are a couple of cops I know who denies almost all the false jails and takes it as harassment. How are you going to justify that. Are you all ears to the cops or will screenshots( not just a snip of it) be required to file a report?
I’m worried of getting snitched
No that does not count as harassment. What does is cussing at cops, telling them they are horrible at their jobs, being rude, etc.
some cops ignore crime, assault friendly players, ignore rules... but if we do it, its instantly harassment..
I have not seen a cop once cuss at players, say rude things about their performance, etc. if they have send screenshots.

Get used to it, some cops been temp banned and come back fine as ever with their job still.
You were in the police force but you might not remember we have a point system ministers follow. A tempban is 4 points you need 10 points to be demoted.
A cop was glitch abusing. I told the superiors about it and nothing happened to him, assuming nothing has happened
Again Lately not true. The player received a /warn because Faheem directed staff this did not count as a bannable or large glitch abuse offense. The officer was also officially warned.