Recent content by Ciel

  1. Ciel

    I'm allergic to chocolate apparently.

    I'm allergic to chocolate apparently.
  2. Ciel

    I did that, I have run into another problem. Now they are questioning me about why in my right...

    I did that, I have run into another problem. Now they are questioning me about why in my right mind I drank hot chocolate milk in a remote area with no hospitals nearby and made them waste their only supply of EpiPen which they brought for Geoffrey who is allergic to penguins. How do I justify this?
  3. Ciel

    Help I did this while I'm in the antarctic and my fellow colleagues looked at me weird, what do...

    Help I did this while I'm in the antarctic and my fellow colleagues looked at me weird, what do I do?
  4. Ciel


  5. Ciel

    Fvhn's resignation letter (nr. 4)

    I didn't even say anything and you are already attacking me. k
  6. Ciel

    Update Update log - 8/23/17

    did you get it fixed when you are flying
  7. Ciel

    Resignation letter

    Well come in handy if I ever get drafted if u know what I mean :P
  8. Ciel

    Resignation letter

    See this is ur problem, you have major ego problems and when I was suggesting things to your theater you were rather rude and gave me attitude, suck to suck. Not my fault u can not handle ur consequences. Add onto that, you were the rudest staff member by far.
  9. Ciel

    Resignation letter

    You will know from one of the links I sent you on skype. Stay strong.
  10. Ciel

    Resignation letter

    See you are doing it again izzie, saying I do not like you. The truth is, that's what you want to believe; the only time I was rude with you is when YOU were rude with me.
  11. Ciel

    Resignation letter

    1 year of good memes <o/ Don't you lie joshy boy, I still remember it like yesterday. IG: 1v1metillwet or JrKeemStar
  12. Ciel

    Resignation letter

    Never hated you, kinda fumy to just ignore you and see your reaciotn. Make me tear up, thank you. Don't worry about it. "Good bye" ;) Won't be coming on as much but I sure will come on from time to time. I still remember the day I killed you for your heard and you started cursing me out :p...
  13. Ciel

    Farewell to all, more than likely you won't be hearing much of me.

    Farewell to all, more than likely you won't be hearing much of me.
  14. Ciel

    Resignation letter

    Dear MCCities Players, as said on the title, I will be resigning and stepping down from my job as an admin. Lately I have been completely demotivated for reasons the owners may know. This community have been extremely great to me, and I rather made a lot of friends. Almost everyone was nice...
  15. Ciel

    Case Closed An officer telling me the bail is 3k.

    money given back+rep given back