Recent content by Hidden124

  1. Hidden124

    Who are all of the stafff and what are their positions

    I kindly ask again, stop double posting why the heck are you spamming forums. I'm not sure what you need clarification on?
  2. Hidden124

    In case you didn’t know:

    I'm not telling you anything just kindly asking, post when you can add something it seems like your just posting to post.
  3. Hidden124

    In case you didn’t know:

    Your making post within a minute of eachother just put into the same post so your not making so many.
  4. Hidden124

    Who are all of the stafff and what are their positions

    Come up with something you think people will buy than find a shop location at mall or a store. Personally I buy raw materials and re-craft them for a profit, you can also sell food, slimefun, realestate whatever you think of. You can ask multiple questions in one post I don't know why you made...
  5. Hidden124

    In case you didn’t know:

    I believe since you were not evading a ban it's not banable but a staff member will confirm for you on that. If your talking about deleting a mojang account I would not do that though since it's a waste of $ if its a...
  6. Hidden124

    Who are all of the stafff and what are their positions

    Do not insult players, respect staff, don't cause unneeded drama and most importantly help out newbies in chat really that's the main line to becoming a helper as you will essentially be doing the same thing added you will be able to moderate chat.
  7. Hidden124

    Back on the forums I see ;)

    Back on the forums I see ;)
  8. Hidden124

    I never thought that I would be the one having to make this post.

    Y'all gotta chill check out this adorable hedgehog and just give eachother a compliment. I think you both care about the server and just are trying to say what you think is best.
  9. Hidden124

    Who are all of the stafff and what are their positions Here are most of the staff members their was a recent shake up in like the past week the former admins were trump (gabe) and Sundae I do not know their role going further after the update and changes. Heather was recently promoted back into the...
  10. Hidden124

    Buying Mall-17 Buying Iron,Diamond, Gold, String

    PRICE CHANGE: Iron reduced to $4.125 per iron $264 per stack, $64 more per stack than shop which buys for $3.125 at $200 per stack. I am having a hard time keeping up with the high supply of iron, thanks y'all for your amazing business my other premium prices will be remaining though and as...
  11. Hidden124

    Buying Mall-17 Buying Iron,Diamond, Gold, String

    Anyone with stashes or miners mining iron & gold ore/ingots, or diamonds come to mall-17 to sell them for above warp shop prices. Gold Ingots are $3.75 per gold in shop sell ore AND ingots to Mall-17 for $9.65 PER GOLD, $380 more per stack Iron Ingots are $3.125 per iron in shop sell ore AND...
  12. Hidden124

    How long have you been gone? I need to know how much tea to give you.

    How long have you been gone? I need to know how much tea to give you.
  13. Hidden124


  14. Hidden124


    "Trash rewards" do not incentivise people to vote what is needed are small % chances and very occasional winners of good prizes so people will want to vote. Your right trash rewards should be kept but better prizes need to be added. Despite the fact it might be a small chance to win something...
  15. Hidden124

    Damn Ghibli when was it you were Head-Admin 2015ish...?

    Damn Ghibli when was it you were Head-Admin 2015ish...?