My in game name is IAteUrCookieXd. The only other server I play server is Hypixel. I am a UHC Gold IV. I love athletics and math. I also play Overwatch (thats where I get all my toxicity from), but not as much. I enjoy making new friends and also enjoy arguing because I find it always amusing. Some of my in real life friends Minecraft usernames are Jaywifly11, sambosspcpc180, and TaZeRFaCeD, so please respect them. I give away items and houses occasionally. When it comes to the reactions on McCities I sweat hard. Anyways thanks for reading all of this.
- Birthday
Sep 2, 2004
(Age: 20)
- Location
America, USA
- Minecraft Username
- Gender
- Occupation
Taekwondo, chess, soccer, cross country, piano
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