Recent content by mabes

  1. mabes

    ImASimp123's ban appeal

    I know civilians aren’t supposed to comment on ban appeals but I had a conversation with this guy recently and he seemed genuinely unaware of what he was doing at the time of this ban and the consequences of his actions, but it really seems like he’s pulled it together and really acknowledged...
  2. mabes

    Accepted rodpinheiro's arch app!

    Omg I love your builds! You got this gl homie
  3. mabes

    Accepted spookyeve’s architect application

    WOOOO go Eve!!! Good luck girlie :)
  4. mabes

    Gjegevey Bullying me for about 1 min straight

    Give her personal space, jeez
  5. mabes


    I would love that ❤️❤️❤️
  6. mabes


    I can’t this is so cute
  7. mabes

    To all my friends

    So cute ♥️♥️♥️
  8. mabes

    My quit post

    Omg... my little Shiba :( come back sometime and visit me I’ve missed u
  9. mabes

    Spent my entire yesterday painting these, finally dried today.

    Woahhhh, gg to the mans who can paint
  10. mabes

    Ltg_Flipper's Goodbye Post ;(

    OMG OMG OMG I just saw this! OMG MY LITTLE AUSSIE BOY IMMA MISS YOU SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  11. mabes


    Hey girly, it’s been awhile since we’ve properly talked last. What you just said above broke my heart. It’s hard sometimes, but getting a rank on the server definitely doesn’t be define your work. Some of my favorite people on this server never even had a rank to begin with, please don’t let it...
  12. mabes

    Please take this consideration into account.

    Why is nobody talking about this? “I've also been told by several players that they feel like players are not getting properly represented and staff kinda does what they want. I agree with this, and wish something could be done about it. ”
  13. mabes

    Parrot command

    Lowkey who knew about this command I’ve never heard ab it before :o
  14. mabes


    When you’re expecting cool gear but they give you cold steak ~.~
  15. mabes

    /Warp Therapy

    /warp counseling is where it’s at.