Recent content by pengyy

  1. pengyy

    Completed Wisemanjp / Pengy2552 Transfer Req - Creative -> City

    Approved, the transfer ticket will take care of costs
  2. pengyy

    McCities Auction- Rename a plot!

  3. pengyy


    I thought if someone impersonates a player nothing is done, only when its a staff.
  4. pengyy

    McCities Auction- Rename a plot!

  5. pengyy

    McCities Auction- Rename a plot!

    1 mil
  6. pengyy

    Selling [Round 3] MCcities Official Plot Auctions

    Pengy2552 Yacht/Yatch 5 mil Use it to host parties as well as make a hidden base
  7. pengyy

    Halloween System

    But then again its not like money comes out of nowhere. Its not a lottery for who gets more money/gear and most damage. And if it was meant to be fair why is the boss so strong.
  8. pengyy

    Case Closed Case against NitronicEx

    Sorry, I'm not seeing any pictures of any of the items you lost, perhaps if they are not too hard for me to obtain I can replace them for you for free if you still haven't gotten them back.
  9. pengyy

    Latest School Update Out Now!!!

    Football is not a battle of skill It is a battle of ping -Pengy2552
  10. pengyy


  11. pengyy

    dank youu

    dank youu
  12. pengyy


  13. pengyy

    About roaches

    If all else fails, a good old fire is sure to take care of them. However there may be other drawbacks.. Like I don't know.... burning down your house... So not recommended, unless they're planning a revolt and deciding to wipe out the human race