Recent content by Pope

  1. P


    1 You must play daily I play almost daily except the weekends the weekends I'm here or I'm at my family's house 2 You need acces to discord/forums /discord essentianly My name is Jabber@0258 3 You need to be quite good at pvp [in case some1 griefs us] I'm decent with my bow and sword but better...
  2. P

    Denied Jaber101's Application

    ItzJazzMade id teach stuff like when was it first made when was hunger added in and stuff like that
  3. P

    Denied Jaber101's Application

    What is your in game name? Jaber101 What is your rank on the server? Citizen What timezone are you in? (Important for planning school) Central America/Canada Why do you want to become a teacher? I wanna be able to teach newcomers new things What subjects do you want to teach in? Include 2-3...
  4. P

    Denied Teacher Application (ehem ello peeps)

    What is your in game name? Jaber101 What is your rank on the server? Citizen What timezone are you in? (Important for planning school) Confidential, Ill just say its really close to Australian Timezone so like a few hours difference (I did this last time btw) Central America Why do you want to...
  5. P

    100K GIVEAWAY! (Celebrating my YT Channel)

    Hey orange mine is Jabber#0258 and I want the money so I can start up my little beer empire to make more money and when I get on my way if I remember ill pay you back the money and maybe even more and thanks man for letting me enter this little contest also your user for it didn't work
  6. P

    Need Help!!!

    How do I become a Police Officers