Recent content by S3b4s01

  1. S3b4s01

    Accepted ban appeal

    honestly to me there seems to be no emotion in this but thats just me
  2. S3b4s01

    Completed Survival to Creative

    Username: S3b4s01 Creative plot: 4; -89 City plot you want the build moved to: h343
  3. S3b4s01

    Case Closed S3b4s01 vs Dutchupro, angelbelmont, and SuperJacob2017

    @angelbelmont @DutchUpro @superjacob2017 what do you have to say for stealing a cops items
  4. S3b4s01

    Case Closed S3b4s01 vs Dutchupro, angelbelmont, and SuperJacob2017

    Continuation of stolen items
  5. S3b4s01

    Case Closed S3b4s01 vs Dutchupro, angelbelmont, and SuperJacob2017

    1. Who are you accusing? DutchUPro, AngelBelmont, and SuperJAcob2017 2. What are your claims/accusations? Stole from my property and illigally entered the property 3. Any additional proof you can provide us? Screenshots
  6. S3b4s01

    Case Closed Massive theft case

    Case closed now mans poor and burnt it all
  7. S3b4s01

    Case Closed Massive theft case

    @thespyalex1 @Questar @Urimiya
  8. S3b4s01

    McCities Government Plot Case

    we should also do the same thing with lykkee all those mansions... and for what
  9. S3b4s01

    Case Closed Massive theft case

    That was me that took the screenshots... just so yall know
  10. S3b4s01

    Completed arch to city

    Im the owner of the plot and I confirm this transfer
  11. S3b4s01

    McCities Official Election Thread

    this is his signature not that so stop the cap
  12. S3b4s01

    McCities Official Election Thread

    Lies that's not real he would have signed it
  13. S3b4s01

    McCities Official Election Thread

    Vote for me instead of Yaoke August 2022
  14. S3b4s01

    Case Closed REFLIXIS not paying loan

    Oh okay that’s a big typo but got it imma back out now bye
  15. S3b4s01

    Case Closed REFLIXIS not paying loan

    That’s why I ask Nate. It’s the 4th of august now… I’m trying to see where it went wrong…