Recent content by SilverNinja

  1. SilverNinja

    Completed Transfer Request: Creative to City

    Completed. Charged 35k
  2. SilverNinja

    Denied Ban appeal?

    The general disrespect has to stop, it happens way too often. About the "copied builds" I'll ask Gabe about maybe you screen sharing or some sort of way to show you which have been copied. And if the builds are removed then they probably will take that off your ban. However, you may still stay...
  3. SilverNinja

    Denied SavanahOMG transfer

    Username: SavanahOMG Creative plot: /plot home 1 City plot you want the build moved to: h729 Doing this on behalf of an ingame player who can't use forums
  4. SilverNinja


    or they can reset the wild
  5. SilverNinja


    Hello o/
  6. SilverNinja

    Thanks :)

    Thanks :)
  7. SilverNinja

    I forgive you. Wasn't your choice to be born :(

    I forgive you. Wasn't your choice to be born :(
  8. SilverNinja

    gonna fight you

    gonna fight you
  9. SilverNinja

    Case Closed Law Suit

    in the UK thats April 5th
  10. SilverNinja

    Completed Creative to City

    Username: SilverNinjaa_ Creative plot: /plot home SpookyEve 2 City plot you want the build moved to: Mansion3
  11. SilverNinja

    Case Closed DelicateBean sood

    He also copied niokuta's basement for seb's basement, for which he charged 100k for even when seb pointed it out
  12. SilverNinja

    Completed Arch to Plot

    Doing this on behalf of Niokuta as he doesn't have a forums account. You can confirm with him over discord Nio#8530 Username: Niokuta Arch plot:/plot visit Niokuta architect 1 City plot you want the build moved to: ahouse-119
  13. SilverNinja


    LOL ikr, donor crate ftw
  14. SilverNinja

    Completed Creative to city

    When the transfer happens does the money have to be in my balance?