Recent content by Smilinq

  1. Smilinq

    Completed player-plot to city

    Done. Adjustments made with player - Charged $6202
  2. Smilinq

    Completed arch to city

    Done. Charged $46,823.00
  3. Smilinq

    Borger_ Arch to City

    Done - Charged $40,000
  4. Smilinq

    Thank you

    Hey all, It's been a while since you’ve all heard from me (Whoops). It probably comes as no surprise that I’ve decided to leave the staff team. I’ll keep this brief. I’d like to quickly thank the entire community for making McCities what it is. I have gotten to know many of you over the past...
  5. Smilinq

    Accepted rodpinheiro's arch app!

    Love your builds! Welcome to the team :D
  6. Smilinq

    Accepted spookyeve’s architect application

    Application Accepted. Welcome back to the team. :)
  7. Smilinq

    Is there any way to check the price you purchased any plot for, either for the plot owner or staff?

    It depends who you bought it from. if its from the server I can probably check :)
  8. Smilinq

    /Warp Therapy

    Whats your discord :)
  9. Smilinq

    Completed Creative transfer

  10. Smilinq

    Completed Creative Basement Clear
