Recent content by Spyders_Crypt

  1. Spyders_Crypt

    Completed city to creative

    Username: spyders_crypt city plot: sky135 creative plot: -44;30 or my /plot home 6 thanks again :D
  2. Spyders_Crypt

    Completed Survival to Creative

  3. Spyders_Crypt

    Completed Survival to Creative

    To save time, and so I don't have to do another transfer request. can whoever is doing this, can you also transfer my plot h805 to creative, put the house on my /plot tp -43;31.
  4. Spyders_Crypt

    Completed Survival to Creative

    Username: Spyders_Crypt City Plot: Gorgetown-1 Creative Plot I want it transferred to: My 7th plot or /plot tp -43;30 Any questions direct them to my discord-DisasterMastor#9957
  5. Spyders_Crypt


    I’ll be around in vc if you ever want to talk <3 Love ya dude always will remember our lil arguments in chat <3 Make sure to keep in touch with me on how things are going, we’ve been through much together and I can give advice whenever you need it <3 ill remember all the good times we had...
  6. Spyders_Crypt


    Hi, what's up? Yes this is my resignation/demotion. I had plans to quit the Police Force and slowly fade out of the server. There are many reasons on why I wanted to leave, I'm going to leave them out to avoid conflict. I was going to quit within the next few days. Sad as it seems, not everyone...
  7. Spyders_Crypt

    Thanks for the like spam :)

    Thanks for the like spam :)
  8. Spyders_Crypt

    miss you too <3

    miss you too <3
  9. Spyders_Crypt

    Denied Cursed's Arch Application

    good luck!
  10. Spyders_Crypt


  11. Spyders_Crypt

    McCities Auction- Rename a plot!

    I know @lostinthewqrld will outbid all of us so bid rn is 300k
  12. Spyders_Crypt


  13. Spyders_Crypt

    Hello MCCities!!!

    Welcome to McCite Forums!
  14. Spyders_Crypt

    Latest School Update Out Now!!!

    Most true thing ever said