Recent content by TheIronJedi

  1. TheIronJedi

    Ive noticed that it seems like the server is being kept down

    im just trying to not lose my rented properties
  2. TheIronJedi

    ena’s Q & A !!

    what is your favorite music genre?
  3. TheIronJedi

    McCities Auction- Rename a plot!

    *gods plan plays in the background*
  4. TheIronJedi

    McCities Auction- Rename a plot!

    100k watch me get destroyed by like seb pengy or pat
  5. TheIronJedi

    Regioning star-city-21

    Username: TheIronJedi City plot: Star-city-21 Please region the separate rooms, starting on the 2nd floor of the building.
  6. TheIronJedi

    Completed Creative to Star-city-21

    Username: TheIronJedi Creative plot: 29;40 City plot you want the build moved to: star-city-21 Please move the tallest building with the sugar cane on the side Thanks!
  7. TheIronJedi

    Scavenger Hunt Ready!

    it's a scavenger hunt, and the first team to complete all the checkpoints wins 1M
  8. TheIronJedi

    Scavenger Hunt Ready!

    Change of plans, registration opens at 12 PM CST!
  9. TheIronJedi

    Scavenger Hunt Ready!

    My scavenger hunt is ready! The Winning team gets 1M! You can make teams of up to 4 people, and the first 4 teams to register will be accepted. A registration link will be posted in the shoutbox 5 PM CST!
  10. TheIronJedi

    Denied Creative to Survival

    Username: TheIronJedi Creative plot: 29;40 City plot you want the build moved to: swatplot1 Please transfer the twisting tower, and have the sign facing forward Thanks!
  11. TheIronJedi

    Case Closed Loan Overdue

    1. Who are you accusing? @IronGamer777 2. What are your claims/accusations? He owed me $492,000 by 6/10/19, but as of this point in time, he has not paid it back 3. Any additional proof you can provide us?
  12. TheIronJedi

    Pretty good gear lost

    TheIronJedi I was in /duty, when I exited duty the armor i was wearing was gone. I lost Slime Boots with mending, protection 4, depth strider 3, Slime leggings with mending, Elytra with mending and unbreaking 3, decent helmet, I don't remember the enchants
  13. TheIronJedi

    Case Closed Loan Overdue

    1. Who are you accusing? @kara88 2. What are your claims/accusations? She owed me $228,000 by 5/10/19 and as of this point in time has not returned it. 3. Any additional proof you can provide us?
  14. TheIronJedi

    Completed Transfer from Creative to Arch World

    Username: TheIronJedi Creative plot: 29;40 Plot you want the build moved to: __Poseidon_'s plot home 4 Please transfer the tall stone building
  15. TheIronJedi

    Denied Regioning in star-city-21

    Username: TheIronJedi City plot: star-city-21