Recent content by Yaoke

  1. Yaoke

    Transfer city to arch

    I would like it on my arch plot 4 in any open spot
  2. Yaoke

    Denied SuperJacob2017 Ban appeal

    You were banned for the sugarcane auto farm in godricshollow-14. The only water present is under the sugarcane so that it grows and there is no lever that affects the machine. Appeal denied, please wait out your ban.
  3. Yaoke

    Resolved Banned for playing on 1.19??

    Please read the ban message that we have put every time, it says to join on 1.18.2. There is a bug with 1.19 currently.
  4. Yaoke

    got banned from the discord without reason...

    As you can see in the attached screenshots, you mentioned your own server, displayed server disrespect, and caused multiple arguments (this happens constantly). You can message a staff member to appeal the ban in two weeks.
  5. Yaoke

    got banned from the discord without reason...

    You are allowed to message a staff member after two weeks and appeal.
  6. Yaoke

    Completed Em-1 Transfer

    Username: Yaoke Creative plot: Timber's Arch Plot City plot you want the build moved to: EM-1
  7. Yaoke

    Accepted Ban appeal

    I think this is perfectly reasonable reasoning
  8. Yaoke

    [ACCEPTED] koekie_w's Arch App

    omg good luck queen!!!
  9. Yaoke

    Completed Minimansion transfer

    Username: Yaoke Survival to Creative Plot: Minimansion1 Creative Plot: Amelia513's arch plot 3
  10. Yaoke

    Minimansion1 Auction!

    Yaoke 1.6 m
  11. Yaoke

    Case Closed REFLIXIS not paying loan

    The loan has been paid in full.
  12. Yaoke

    Case Closed REFLIXIS not paying loan

    You owe me 250k and it will continue to grow if you do not pay me today
  13. Yaoke

    Case Closed REFLIXIS not paying loan

    You didn't give me all of the money back, which is why I sent it back so you could give me the entire amount you owed. You also did not completely spell out "sike" and froz said that it wouldn't invalidate the loan. I sent you the money and it took you a whole day to say that you didn't want the...
  14. Yaoke

    Case Closed REFLIXIS not paying loan

    I meant July, it was a typo @S3b4s01
  15. Yaoke

    Case Closed REFLIXIS not paying loan
