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  1. frohoffen

    "Never regret a day in your life: Good days give happiness, bad days experience, the worst...

    "Never regret a day in your life: Good days give happiness, bad days experience, the worst lessons, the best memories."-Unkown. Be positive
  2. frohoffen

    That's a fish <; my betta fish xD I think I'm going to change it

    That's a fish <; my betta fish xD I think I'm going to change it
  3. frohoffen

    Everyone.. we can pull this server together. We can fight through. Apply for staff if you can...

    Everyone.. we can pull this server together. We can fight through. Apply for staff if you can, and we can work together everyone. We can.
  4. frohoffen

    Hey everyone! I'm back and will be on McCities. I was staying at Penn state yesterday to help...

    Hey everyone! I'm back and will be on McCities. I was staying at Penn state yesterday to help my sister move into her apartment for school
  5. frohoffen

    New punishment for tp killing and new prevention

    I think most of our points are that we can just stick with the existing punishment.
  6. frohoffen

    New punishment for tp killing and new prevention

    Yes it is.. tp killing is serious if you're in the wild especially.. losing all your stuff sucks o_O
  7. frohoffen

    New punishment for tp killing and new prevention

    Honestly.. that is true, Jo.
  8. frohoffen

    New punishment for tp killing and new prevention

    I agree, but I think get an automatic seven day ban when the staff sees the report of the tp kill. If the behavior continues and a lot of people keep tp killing then the punishment should get worse like a perm ban if this happens too often.
  9. frohoffen

    Paper Money

    Hmm interesting idea
  10. frohoffen

    What species are you?

    Yeah I agree PingtothePong
  11. frohoffen

    If you need me message me on discord, Lexi (Rapper_LC) #2049 or comment & reply on my profile post.

    If you need me message me on discord, Lexi (Rapper_LC) #2049 or comment & reply on my profile post.
  12. frohoffen

    What species are you?

    Unicorn ^w^
  13. frohoffen

    Being able to have more than one bank account

    I agree, and there is no need for the owners and staff trying to add this.
  14. frohoffen

    Hehe it's because half of the server joined the Unicorn army.. like me.

    Hehe it's because half of the server joined the Unicorn army.. like me.
  15. frohoffen


  16. frohoffen

    Lol wb

    Lol wb
  17. frohoffen


  18. frohoffen

    Being able to have more than one bank account

    True, Gabriel.
  19. frohoffen

    I agree.. it really sucks ;-;.

    I agree.. it really sucks ;-;.
  20. frohoffen

    Being able to have more than one bank account

    I agree with both Gabriel and you, Marsh.. not sure what to say o_O