Search results

  1. sundae22

    Completed Edit to my previous transfer :)

    Completed, charged $25,000.
  2. sundae22

    Completed Regioning

    Sorry about the delay, completed :)
  3. sundae22

    Accepted Poseidon's Architect Application

    Accepted, I've always loved your builds :)
  4. sundae22

    Completed Landlord Change

    Completed sky329, new owner for star-city-28 so I set them as the landlord instead.
  5. sundae22

    Completed Client Architect Transfer **Arch - City**

    Completed, charged $25,000 for transfer.
  6. sundae22

    Completed Landlord Change

  7. sundae22

    Completed Transfer + Region (Creative To Runnerboro)

    Completed the transfer, charged $25,000. Before I region the storage units, check out the placement and see if it needs to be moved, then comment here :)
  8. sundae22

    Completed Requesting for plot transfer from city to creative and plot merge.

    Charged $40,000 for the 4 plots you needed to purchase for the transfer, completed. Not sure about the 20x20 creative plots
  9. sundae22

    New Apt's owner.

  10. sundae22

    Im ready for transfer

    You need to own a plot in the city that the house can go on, please refer to the format here or ask staff if you have questions :)
  11. sundae22

    Denied Arch Application

    I like seeing a variety of houses in applications, it shows that you have experience with many things a client may throw at you. Try building a couple modern houses and another traditional, if possible. The birch house is a bit boxy and simple, and there's a lot of empty space inside. Denied...
  12. sundae22

    Denied KittyHug's Architect Application

    Sorry for the delay in processing this. I like your long homes, especially the new acacia one. However, there's a bunch of empty space in the homes. Large homes like that are difficult to decorate. Try building one or two smaller, fully furnished houses (for example, a 25x25 house may fit in the...
  13. sundae22

    Denied simons' arch app

    The medieval building is nice, but there isn't much interior. The modern house on plot 2 also doesn't have much interior to look at, and the other modern house has some flat sides. Generally, the modern interior is nice :) I like how you used up a lot of space. I'd like to see more city-like...
  14. sundae22

    Completed Transfer Request

    Completed, charged $20,000 to Dwimeaches (spoke in-game).
  15. sundae22

    Denied Transfer request

    The house is a little flat and boxy, try making it fit in a bit better by adding dimension to the build (kind of like the ones near it in the city).
  16. sundae22

    Completed Transfer Request

    Completed, charged $3,000.
  17. sundae22

    Completed Transfer Request

    Completed, charged $7,500.
  18. sundae22

    Completed Transfer Request <3

    Oh, sorry that it never transferred! Completed this time :)
  19. sundae22

    Completed Unregion Request

    Completed :)