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  1. pengyy

    Creative to Survival Transfer

    When the plot was fixed due to some bugs. The plot changed size from 10x11 to 9x11. My build in creative can no longer fit in that space.. Can the plot be reverted back to its original size please?
  2. pengyy

    Creative to City Transfer :D

    Username: Pengy2552 Creative plot: /plot home 2 City plot you want the build moved to: H209 Thank You :D
  3. pengyy

    $ 1.5 mill giveaway and plot giveaway!

    In-Game name: Pengy2552 Forum name: pengyy why you want to win the plot: I would like to win the plot so that I could decorate it as I get a lot of enjoyment out of decorating houses. The house that you have included looks amazing, definitely better than what mine looks like currently.
  4. pengyy

    Creative to Survival Transfer

    Username: Pengy2552 Creative plot: /plot home 1 (There is a giant redstone arrow pointing at the build) City plot you want the build moved to: H214 Thanks :)