Search results

  1. Turkey

    Is suing staff possible?

    You are allowed to sue individual staff members, but for revoking plots, it would be best to make a conversation with Joey or Nibble
  2. Turkey

    You are quite right, young lad

    You are quite right, young lad
  3. Turkey

    “I love cheese as purple turkeys are the superior avians”

    “I love cheese as purple turkeys are the superior avians”
  4. Turkey

    For runnerboro?

    For runnerboro?
  5. Turkey

    Plot Transfer #4

    Username: PurpleTurkey city plot: Balishop3 creative plot: /plot home:4 notes: once you tp to the plot, go to the left, and there is a sponge tower that is in front of the build
  6. Turkey

    Accepted lovesicks Teacher Application

    Nice application! You will be teaching science :)
  7. Turkey

    Denied Tuliao's Teacher app :D

    Thanks for applying, but unfortunately we already have 2 real estate/ economy teachers. Language arts would be ok, but you would have to teach more than how not to be toxic. Could you elaborate your ideas on language arts, or do you have another job you are willing to teach?
  8. Turkey

    Just a reminder that teacher applications are now open again ! :)

    Just a reminder that teacher applications are now open again ! :)
  9. Turkey

    Staff Resignation

    Well... I guess this is it. Thank you for all you’ve done for the server, and thank you for all the help and support you gave me. Many times when I had questions or issues to be addressed you and Kiri were always there. Good luck, and thanks
  10. Turkey

    Why not add catfish...

  11. Turkey

    Island to Arch World

    From my experiences you are going to need a lot more than two plots (unless hers are already pre merged)
  12. Turkey

    Accepted Powerfull Teacher Application!

    Not sure why this wasn't watched ... there is no longer an economics teacher and the position is open. If you would still like the position, or would maybe like to apply to teach another class, please message @Graphic_elf and myself.
  13. Turkey

    Accepted NinjaGaming23

    Thanks for applying! You will be teaching history! Please message @Graphic_elf and I about further details on your plans (to teach the topic), and watch out for messages from us (to join discord server, etc). Congrats!
  14. Turkey

    Angry Staff 2018

    You don’t want to know ;)
  15. Turkey

    Island to Arch World

    But you can only claim so many plots in creative
  16. Turkey

    Island to Arch World

    You have to stand on one of them and face the other one for it to work I think
  17. Turkey

    Island to Arch World

    you don't need staff? players should be able to merge plots on their own ?
  18. Turkey

    Last I checked you spell 'imortal' with two m(s) ;) does that mean I too am immortal...

    Last I checked you spell 'imortal' with two m(s) ;) does that mean I too am immortal!?! #nolifeforinfinitelife
  19. Turkey

    Island to Arch World

    you can merge them yourself? /plots merge all Thing is, I don't think you can actually claim enough creative plots to make a what ... 500x400 plot for the island
  20. Turkey

    Island to Arch World

    I’ve experimented with this, I don’t think there is a way to make a large enough plot in normal creative