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  1. shroomchi

    January POTM

    @QueenGoomy aka Opal
  2. shroomchi


  3. shroomchi

    miss you

    miss you
  4. shroomchi

    Completed Multiple Transfer requests :O

    Permission granted :mobpig:
  5. shroomchi

    thank you so much!

    thank you so much!
  6. shroomchi

    Selling Captain Island

    Go home gamer girl
  7. shroomchi

    Been Good Guys

    ;) ;] ;} ;>
  8. shroomchi

    Selling Captain Island

    8 hay pennies
  9. shroomchi


  10. shroomchi

    Mind my simple song, this ain't gonna work Mind my wicked words and tipsy topsy smirk

    Mind my simple song, this ain't gonna work Mind my wicked words and tipsy topsy smirk
  11. shroomchi


  12. shroomchi

    Should i do a face reveal?

    i say just reveal your chubby cheeks to the people you're closest to instead of a bunch of randos :ftm:
  13. shroomchi

    that wont stop me anyway -congrats tho-

    that wont stop me anyway -congrats tho-
  14. shroomchi

    the ship sails on

    the ship sails on
  15. shroomchi

    I actually can't unread that from the original lyrics now

    I actually can't unread that from the original lyrics now