Search results

  1. Ciel

    Denied Police Application.

    Application denied. Reason: Not reading the guide. Wrong criminal record answer. Reapply option? YES Period of time: Next week.
  2. Ciel

    Denied Hermione___'s Police Application!

    Not user friendly. Did not use the proper format/Did not use a section from the format. Did not read the police guide. Application denied. Feel free to reapply next week!
  3. Ciel

    Denied police officer

    Refer to the police application format for applying to police. Application denied. Appeal next week.
  4. Ciel

    Denied Police

    Also feel free to appeal next week!
  5. Ciel

    Denied Police

    Refer to the police application format for applying to police.
  6. Ciel

    Accepted FayeleeDarkclaw Police application

    Thanks for applying to the police force. Your application is well built and is user friendly. You are accepted in the police force and will be promoted ASAP.
  7. Ciel

    Going to another country for 10 days to get medicine

    Have a safe travel.
  8. Ciel

    i doodle alot

    also nice doodles
  9. Ciel

    i doodle alot

    you could do a devil for me k3k
  10. Ciel

    GoFundMe for Laggy!

    Alright, I'll just donate 100k.
  11. Ciel

    GoFundMe for Laggy!

    At least till I make sure he won't giveaway the mansion.
  12. Ciel

    GoFundMe for Laggy!

    Rather will be only be adding just so he doesn't give it away.
  13. Ciel

    GoFundMe for Laggy!

    Laggy, every time you join the server, you bring a smile to my face. Every time you act/do (something) kind, you bring warmth to my heart. Every time you greet me and welcome me back, you brighten my day. Therefore I'll be donating mansion12 (which is also being redesigned.)
  14. Ciel

    Police Application..

    Good app.
  15. Ciel

    Idk who was heather??

    Idk who was heather??
  16. Ciel

    police application

    You do not ask for people to drop drugs... you see them have drugs, you jail for it. What you have included in the criminal record is an unnecessary information and could've only said no. Other than that you are good and on point. Perhaps you will become a cop.