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  1. koekie_w

    Completed City To Arch

    I approve this transfer!
  2. koekie_w

    Arch Needed

    @Optic I once did a exterior redo but never finished interior if you want you can use the exterior and let the builder to the interior on the one I did already
  3. koekie_w

    Completed Transfer ( client )

    -Username: koekie_w -Clients Name: lostinthewqrld ( he pay's ) -Creative plot: Plot home 3 ( Arch plot) ( X:-208 Z: 1633-> Mountain side house ) -City plot: h48
  4. koekie_w

    Win an Apartment! Another Give Away from knight3000 Real Estate Group!

    IGN: koekie_w Good luck everyone !
  5. koekie_w

    Bug report

    A friend of mine could look at it
  6. koekie_w

    Bug report

    Username: koekie_w What you were doing before this occurred: Looking at stocks What you've lost (Only if you lost something) or what happened: I can't open the popular stocks anymore ( I have to wait 119days and 7h ) Location: /warp stock
  7. koekie_w

    Survival -> Creative

    I approve
  8. koekie_w

    Drugs Guide

    This happend before when someone sold copies of drugs books. And you know how much cocain sold for? only like 200 for a stack because everyone was making it themselves
  9. koekie_w

    Drugs Guide

    @MestGryder Why are you doing this?! The whole point of the drug market is that only a few people know and that there are books! Now we have a chance it will collapse!
  10. koekie_w

    Completed Transfer

    -Username: koekie_w -Clients Name: koekie_w ( he pay's ) -Creative plot: Plot home 3 ( Arch plot) ( X:-275 Z: 1705 ) IT HAS BASEMENTS! -City plot: H71
  11. koekie_w

    Completed Transfer ( client )

    -Username: koekie_w -Clients Name: MadRhapsody ( he pay's ) -Creative plot: Plot home 3 ( Arch plot) ( X:-218 Z: 1757-> Skyscraper ) -City plot: nsky2
  12. koekie_w

    Completed Transfer

    is it possible to edit the road so it matches the house?
  13. koekie_w

    Completed Transfer

    -Username: koekie_w -Clients Name: koekie_w ( he pay's ) -Creative plot: Plot home 3 ( Arch plot) ( X:-333 Z: 1729-> House -City plot: t012
  14. koekie_w

    Selling Captain Island

    Tiger bid 65mill ! this is not at you Jazz I never meant to take you down publicly ...
  15. koekie_w

    Selling Captain Island

    Tbh, 65 mill is not worth it! Atm this is just a auction abt who can spent the most money , the richest banned player vs the richest active player( s ).. I mean you can basicly ask other Island owners to sell their Island for 50mill and they gladly will lmao! but this is going nowhere, it is...
  16. koekie_w

    Selling Captain Island

    @TheDiamondTiger And do you have proof of the debts and are the players still active or do they still own stuff?
  17. koekie_w

    Selling Captain Island

    Legit this is going nowhere! 43m for an Island this is going nowhere Not to be rude but In the end someone is going to cancel their bids because they don't have the money... This is getting crazy and dumb.. Do any of you guys have the proof that you have the money??
  18. koekie_w

    Completed Transfer

    -Username: koekie_w -Clients Name: koekie_w ( he pay's ) -Creative plot: Plot home 3 ( Arch plot) ( X:-387 Z: 1669 ) -> House -City plot: H312
  19. koekie_w

    Completed Transfer

    -Username: koekie_w -Clients Name: MadRhapsody ( he pay's ) -Creative plot: Plot home 3 ( Arch plot) ( X:-419 Z: 1569 ) -> Boat -City plot: Boat1