We are no longer regioning apartments in the city due to there being too many apartments. Thank you and sorry.
We will no longer be regioning apartments in the city due to there being too many. Sorry and thank you
We will no longer be regioning plots in the city due to there being too many apartments. Sorry and thank you.
We no longer region apartments in the city due to there being too many. Sorry and thank you
We no longer region apartments in the city due to there being too many. Sorry and thank you.
Hi, we no longer region apartments in the city due to there being too many. Sorry-Izzie
Have fun and enjoy yourself at school. Make sure to sleep at good times to keep healthy, focus on school while youre there and then come home and hang out with us :D
Denied, the plot thats already there seems perfectly fine and the one youve used to replace it does not quite fit city standards for that area. Thank you