That is most likely a internet problem. Try disconnecting from the internet then reconnecting. IF that doesnt work try getting a wired connection to the router. If that STILL doesnt work try again on another day. Mojang could be doing maintnenance. IT none of that works tell me i have a few...
They actually might be a danger to newer players stumbling onto the mansions. We need to not grief the mansions, and put warning signs all around so a poor new person wont go in and die and lose his inventory.
Thats crazy though! The Property owners having to add anyone who "wants to buy it" imagine all the people that are flakes and dont pay. It would be a vicious circle of adding and un adding. Its batter just to give it back to the owner or the bank if they dont pay the full amount.
No not ban him, his property should be taken from him and given back to the bank, or put up for resell immediately. Maybe after 1 month of inactivity the property should be taken from them.
i agree this should be added, but not for players that can pay for a house in full. (like me). Since i am rich (like in real life) i can easily buy multiple plots, without taking a loan.
Hello Everyone! Today i read a post from kiri, stating that you have to buy guns from police officers now. So does that mean you cant make guns anymore from recipes? I made my living from selling guns. My whole company was based on this! Now im losing aton of money! And do i get refunded for all...
Heather 1st off "shi shi" xD. 2nd. I agree, scamming promotes realism. But, i believe there should be more lawyers and judges. By the time someone actually has talked to and obtained a judge and lawyer for his/her case, its long forgotten.