Search results

  1. Casual

    Transfer :D

    JustYourCasual I need /plot home 2 (the red and stone building) to get transferred to sky2. The building in creative has a lil underground basement that is on the right side and to the bottom of the building. Sky2 has a basement under it and i would like that to get removed! Thank You :D
  2. Casual


    /plot home 2 the build lined with light blue wool the house has 2 floors an outdoor sitting area and a pool its built with mainly quartz and glass i need it transferred to bludhouse-29 Thanks :D
  3. Casual

    Transfer :)

    /plot home not 2 i deleted one!
  4. Casual

    Transfer :D

    Region/ Creative plot: /plot home 2 the build lined with purple wool and the region is sky47 Description: the house is a large modern house Name: JustYourCasual Thank You!
  5. Casual

    Transfer :)

    Name: JustYourCasual Description: The house is built with cyan clay and dark oak wood and it has a basement /plot home 2 the build lined with black wool Region: plot-007
  6. Casual


    Name: JustYourCasual Description: the house is a mini villa modern ish that is on a mini plot has 2 floors and is lined with red wool /plot home 3 Transfer to mmh1 Thanks!
  7. Casual


    Name: JustYourCasual /plot home 3 the build lined with red wool Region: mmh1 Description: the house looks like a mini tall villa its colored in white, gray and red
  8. Casual

    Transfer Request

    Name: JustYourCasual /plot home 3 the build that is lined with light blue wool Transferred to: maplehouse10 Description: the house is built with dark oak wood and quartz it also has a basement
  9. Casual

    Denied Transfer Request

    1) Officiallkf 2) /plot home 3 3) na-modern1 The build that's surrounded y magenta wool. Also please transfer the build 7 blocks back and 6 blocks to the right. Thanks :D
  10. Casual

    Transfer ^-^

    Username: Officiallkf Code: 32;-24 / /plot home 3 City plot: na-modern1 I want the mansion on my creative plot transferred to my na-modern1, on the creative plot there are 4 builds the one surrounded by magenta wool is the one i want transferred and, please transfer the mansion 7 blocks back...
  11. Casual

    Denied Transfer Request

    1) Officiallkf 2) 5 or /plot home 5 3) a33 Thanks :)