Eeekk chu never respond to forums anymore T-T and if u ever see this... i just want to tell you are an amazing brother, idk what i would do without you <3 Thanks for everything you have ever done for me. You always knew what was best, you knew what tell me, what to hide from me, you knew how to...
ikr xD i still LOVE the mall tho xD its just no one likes going with me cause they know we will end up there for ATLEAST 4 hrs xD so i kinda just stopped going xD but i blame it on the walking xD lmao
Ooh ya! I love this idea!! Its kinda like online shopping, it would create a more efficient way, and i belive a more realistic way b/c a lot of people do more online shopping now (like me) b/c we are too lazy to walk around the mall xD lmao
You are beautiful both inside and out ^-^ You are one of the most amazing people ive ever met.... im am so lucky to know you.... I dont think i can ever be as amazing as you... you are one of those people who i could never be as amazing as.... you are truely one of the brightest and kindness...