Search results

  1. Eve c:

    Completed Transferring a plot into arch

    Username: SpookyEve City plot to move: goh11 arch plot: my fourth arch plot? but i think it’s my 9th plot overall thank u sm!! just asking for this to be moved so i can renovate <3
  2. Eve c:

    Accepted spookyeve’s architect application

    1. What is your username? SpookyEve ! 2. What is your server rank? (do /ar check) Millionaire 3. Do you have a discord account? (Yes | No | Willing to make one) Yes I do! 4. What builds would you like to submit? (/plot home <number>) I’d like to submit my first plot, which has many of my...
  3. Eve c:

    Resolved Part of a plot missing

    Username: SpookyEve What you were doing before this occurred: Nothing in particular? I believe there was a crash and some issues stemmed from that. What you've lost (Only if you lost something) or what happened: My home on my plot goh17 has almost completely disappeared. From this, I've also...
  4. Eve c:

    House transfer

    Username: SpookyEve Creative plot: my 9th creative plot City plot: Bunnymansion2 (For StrikerStefan373) The house is just an interior redo of what's already there. It is a modern mansion on the right side of the plot upon entering thanks!
  5. Eve c:

    Transferring ValourCastle to my arch plot

    Username: SpookyEve City Plot: Valourcastle Creative plot (arch): My 10th plot *I'm taking on a request from intoxicatiing to redo ValourCastle! It needs to be pasted due to the terrain being odd. Thank you!
  6. Eve c:


    Username: SpookyEve Creative plot: -4;-3 (Arch world, aka my 9th creative plot) City plot: Dbum This house is for VioletSparkz and was taken as an arch project. Thank you! Edit: Coords are at: X: -1490 Y: 67 Z: -1020
  7. Eve c:

    A City College?

    Whilst we already have both a school and a 'university', I believe it would be beneficial to implement a college for the use of players. Unlike the school, in which teachers are employed and classes are held all at once, I think it would be a good idea to have players request to do lectures on...
  8. Eve c:

    Completed Transfer from arch world

    Creative plot: My first arch plot City plot: bludsky-6 For AlonH! The build itself is a skyscraper, which is make from green clay and is situated at the back of my plot. Thanks.
  9. Eve c:

    A compilation of photos

    I originally considered separate albums for these, but I recently download shaders and wanted to share some of this captures of different city locations! I hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I did photographing. :)
  10. Eve c:

    Completed Pasting for a furnishing

    Username: SpookyEve City plot: marshville-yellow Creative plot: My arch plot/my 9th creative plot. Please could the build there be pasted for me on my plot for it to be furnished? McLuvinIt has requested for me to do so Thanks!
  11. Eve c:

    Completed Pasting a finished build

    bback again Username: SpookyEve Creative plot: My 1st arch one, or my 9th creative plot City plot: H510 For Daniela_x0113! The build is made from cyan clay and is at the back of my plot!
  12. Eve c:

    Completed Building Transfer

    Username: SpookyEve City plot: go-modern01 (belongs to CraziiTabby) Creative plot: My arch world plot, aka my 9th creative plot. The house is situated right at the back of my plot, and it made from light gray and gray clay. There is also a sign outside to indicate which it is. Thank you!
  13. Eve c:

    Completed Pasting for furnishment

    City plot: Bunnymansion2 Creative plot: my 9th plot, or my first arch one. hi, please can the home on the city plot be pasted on to my arch plot? Dwarflyncher has requested that I furnish it for her on my arch plot. Thank you!
  14. Eve c:

    Completed Pasting for furnishment

    City plot: Bunnymansion2 Creative plot: my 9th plot, or my first arch one. hi, please can the home on the city plot be pasted on to my arch plot? Dwarflyncher has requested that I furnish it for her on my arch plot. Thank you!
  15. Eve c:

    Completed Pasting my city plot into arch world for decorating

    Username: SpookyEve City plot: a46 Arch plot: My 1st arch plot, aka my 9th creative plot. Thank you!!
  16. Eve c:

    Completed Regioning a plot

    Username: SpookyEve City Plot: abp1 I recently purchased an already region-ed apartment building, but I cannot break/place blocks anywhere on the plot. Is this fixable? Thank you!!
  17. Eve c:

    Completed Pasting a finished build

    Username: SpookyEve Creative plot: my arch plot, it's the huge one made from cyan clay+quartz when you first arrive. I'll leave a sign by the door specifying which it is City plot you want the build moved to: jb-sky-4, for LavaFlake Thanks!
  18. Eve c:

    Completed Pasting a finished build

    Username: SpookyEve Creative plot: my arch plot, specifically in front of the large hotel, prominently made from cyan clay and acacia wood. City plot you want the build moved to: ender-03 This is for the player DwarfFlyncher! I just built it!! Thanks Izzie!!
  19. Eve c:

    Completed Transferring a house!

    Hello!! Please could I get a home from my arch plot pasted on to a client's plot? The house itself is situated at the back of my arch plot, it's made from grey clay and has a stone brick roof. I'd like for it to be pasted on to largedave-1! Thank you!!
  20. Eve c:


    So, apparently dairy products and animals can be arrested too? Featuring: iizzie_, XxSnowBearxX, Miilk and SpookyEve. Please comment if you want to be in the next one :D