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  1. Graphic_elf

    Transfer request! <3

    Username: Graphic_elf Survival plot: H321 to Creative plot: /plot home 2 or -39; -15 Thank you! <3
  2. Graphic_elf

    Player of the Month Poll - June

    Top nominated players in the nomination thread are listed in the above poll, vote for the player you see deserves Player of the Month! The player with most votes will be announced POTM for a whole month. What are the rewards for becoming POTM? - MVP Rank on the forums for a month, which...
  3. Graphic_elf

    Player of the Month Nominations - June

    What is Player of the Month? - It's an award granted by the community for a player they find friendly or worthy to hold the title. Who to nominate? - The one player you truly enjoyed playing or talking with, whether on the forums or on the server. For being tilt-proof, chill, friendly, trusted...
  4. Graphic_elf

    City Plot To Creative Plot <3

    Username: Graphic_elf Creative Plot: -39;-15 or /plot tp 2 Survival or City Plot: h61 Thank chu!!! <3
  5. Graphic_elf

    Completed Transfer request

    —City plot to arch plot— Username: Graphic_elf Creative plot: itsmarie’s arch plot City plot:h61 <3 <3<3<3<3<3<3
  6. Graphic_elf

    Buying House?

    Hello, today I’m in the market for a house I’m looking for a medium plot with maybe a backyard I don’t care much for interior decoration and stuff as long as it has space pls feel free to either comment, mail me on the fourms or in game or best of all talk to me in game. -Cookie girl
  7. Graphic_elf

    Buying Cute House

    hello there I am in the market for a house at the moment I am looking for a decent sized house with a backyard not extremely big but cosy, also want it to be located in a nice neighborhood please /msg me in game at Graphic_elf, create a convo with me or comment down below Have a happy day...
  8. Graphic_elf

    Buying Wither Skeleton Skull

    Hello my name is Graphic_elf and I'm in the market to buy multiple wither skulls in hopes of being able to make soul bound armor and tools please make a convo with me or comment down below if you would like to do bidness with meeee:)
  9. Graphic_elf


    I wanted to suggest adding an enderchest to the bank...that's all -cookie girl out
  10. Graphic_elf


    hey most people probably don't care or don't really know me but I'll be inactive from august 6th to august 16th do to going on holiday with my fam, I wish to give you all cookies before I go. -Cookie girl out
  11. Graphic_elf


    Hey I'm Graphic_elf I've been on the server for a month or two now and just now got a fourms account I'm citizen rank currently with a playtime of 5 days and right now my biggest project is trying to become a helper but you know those are very big dreams so In the mean time I just want friends I...