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  1. Tsuchikage

    Gun/Movement Tips

    (Even though I'm new, I still have a very good knowledge of Vehicles, Crackshot and Crackshot+, as well as SurvivalMechanics) Gun Mechanics: 1: Movement If you have not already noticed, every gun has a certain weight. Each gun will mitigate your movement speed to certain extents. Some less...
  2. Tsuchikage


    Hey there! I'm extremely new, and I noticed there were companies here. Can someone sort of, break it down for me? Is there a specific process in creating one? Are there limited options? Etc., etc., any help is appreciated! :D
  3. Tsuchikage


    Hey everyone, I'm Tsuchikage, glad to be here! So a little bit about myself. As you can tell, I'm really into anime (only the more serious ones, more about that later), I do martial arts and piano (been playing for 10 years!), and I am 16. Anyways, since I can't think of anything else, I hope...