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  1. P

    Non pvp wild?

    so there is diffrent ways of life and some of them have safe zones where its highly protected and no one can get in there with a wepon to kill so making non pvp wild zones would benifit players that want to go in the wild but not have the risk of being killed just a though
  2. P

    Bank Loans

    So this is a city server yes and it is like regular life but there is something missing a bank loan and morgages now if you were to make bank loans avalible people can get a house quicker yes but some people will say the loans will never get paid back well thats where the police system comes in...
  3. P


    So i am a brewer i love to brew potions but i dont get paid much from players when i make then and i would love to do it as a job so i get paid for experimenting with diffrent potion effects and all that so pls bring brewing into CITY