
  1. Bleach


    Hello everyone! As many of you know, i recently came back to the server after a few months of inactivity. Sadly, I've gotten pretty bored of this game and can't remain active for many reasons (including homework). Due to this, I've decided to leave after a few days of thinking this through. I'll...
  2. Pixel

    Resignation Letter No. 4

    Goodbye Mc Cities friends. My time has come to leave a server that used to be great. You know that feeling in your gut you get doing something you feel uneasy doing, but you know that it will be all better after you do it? Well that's the feeling I have right now. It's been a great year on the...
  3. Pixel


    Its not what you think it is. I will be gone from tomorrow (July 29th) till Tuesday (August 1st) on a family trip. I will be home for two days, and then I will be active. I leave again on August 11th till August 13th. The first dates I will be gone I will not be active on the forums due to...
  4. mrsenorjr

    Quitting ~Lowkey_Jr

    Hello, My name is Lowkey_Jr or (Alex). I have recently been perm banned. Luckily i was unbanned by Kiri, which thank you kiri for giving me a second chance! Anyways I have decided to quit McCities... I have lost everything my plots, money... you know. I did the wrong thing, i understand the...
  5. Wonder

    Leaving McCities (maybe)

    So this has been in my mind for a while... McCItes is so salty and mean, I have been "kys""You're annoying" Multiple times. McCites has gotten meaner and salter then ever now, So i might be leaving forever or temporarily Also for my reasons to leave all my things since i started McCites had been...
  6. mrsenorjr

    Won't be active for a while.

    Hey guys, my names Alex, my ign is Lowkey_alex. I will be busy for a while and I won't be on, I don't know when I will be back, but hopefully soon! I'm going to miss you all, and as always stay chill. -Alex