
  1. LeanneTheUnicorn

    To core or not to core.. that is the question ;3

    Okay.. so I need to settle this argument once and for all....... Do you eat the core of the apple or not???????? Personally I do because I'm a unicorn, and the sweetness in apples goes straight to the candy making factory inside of me with means I can puke out candy ;) but do you guys eat the...
  2. Marshmallowsmalk

    Bad Joke No.4

    Sorry, another one for today... So my brother threw a bottle of cream at me today... How dairy?
  3. RoseWilson_

    Bit Busy With Things

    Heya! Not sure when I'll be on really, kind of just taking a break and dealing with a few things. Unfortunately not taking anything arch related as a project, (I know I've turned so many of you down and it breaks my heart) but I just need to figure stuff out and clear my head a bit. If I hop on...