AmazingStarLord's teacher application


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2017
1. What is your Minecraft username (ign)?

2. What subjects do you want to teach? (list 2 - 3 subjects that aren't taken and relates to Minecraft)
Gym. thats the only one that isn't taken, according to graphic_elf. But I'll gladly take any subject if spots open up. (Except slimefun)

3. What is your rank on the server? (Citizen, Millionaire, Police, etc)
Jr. Police

4. What would you do if a student wasn’t behaving appropriately in class?
I would give a verbal warning. If the student misbehaves again, I would warn them again,
or send them to the principals office, depending on the trouble they are causing. If the
student were to cause trouble for the 3rd time I would immediately send them to the
principals office.

5. Do you have a discord account? (This is now required for teachers to communicate and plan as a team)
Yes, its Nopes#5825

6. What timezone are you in?( Important for knowing when to plan school)
Pacific Time Zone

7. Why do you want to become a teacher?
Since there are usually 2 police online at a time, I'm not as busy as I used to be. That means I have time for other things on the server. Also, I've never really roleplayed before, it seems fun..

8. Do you agree to be a good role model? As a teacher you should be responsible, mature, and follow the law. If a teacher is caught being a poor role model or breaking server rules they will be reprimanded. Yes, I agree to be a good role model to the students and everyone else in MCCities.